Master in music ed

The Longy program looks almost too good to be true. The mission statement closely aligns with her own goals. The website implies there is money for music ed students — but even without a lot of aid, the possibility of getting it done in a year is amazing.


Can you make an appointment and discuss this with someone there!

Yes! Need to encourage D to do this before she leaves for the summer.


Ok I just looked at this program and it looks fabulous!

The reason for my post was to discuss what is happening in public education (in some districts) given that this student wants to be certified as a public school music teacher. Some districts will not hire full time “specials” teachers, but there are ways to be full time if you want, depending on the district and the interests of the individual. Other districts do hire full time.

This student sounds like a talented musician who might not be interested in working outside of the field. In that case teaching private lessons would be a great option!

I’m not sure if she’s interested in this route, but my sister has a BA in music performance, and got a masters in elementary education, so she is certified to also be a classroom teacher. However, she has taught music at the elementary level (pre-kids) and middle school level (after kids grew). I believe the thinking was that if they cut music, she would still be eligible to have a job.

Also note that in this area of VA, most specials are full time teachers paid at the same levels as classroom teachers. (Elementary Art in H’s district is the only exception I know of)

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