MAT 204 before 203?

<p>I have a schedule conflict for next semester (MAT 203 conflicts with ECO 101), and a friend of mine mentioned that linear algebra is typically not based at all on multivariable calculus. I was wondering if it's possible for someone who has no background whatsoever in mulivariable/linear algebra to take 204 before 203.</p>

<p>The course description for 203 calls it a prereq for 204, but I hear that at some other schools this is just traditional and it actually doesn't make a difference the order you take it in.</p>

<p>An alternative would either be to postpone ECO 101 till the following semester or just take MAT 201 this semester, but neither sound appealing to me. I'm finding MAT 104 a bit too easy, and would like to be exposed to more rigorous math. Another option would be the honors sequence, but I don't think that's meant for people with no exposure to the subjects or proofs.</p>


<p>Since MAT204 is essentially linear algebra, you don’t need very much multivariable calculus (MAT201/MAT203) for the crouse. If you take MAT204 and have never had MAT203, you should be fine.</p>

<p>If you truly have no backgrond, take 202 instead of 204.</p>