Question about prerequisites

<p>So I'm looking into the finance certificate. One of its core course is ECO 362, and one of the prerequisites for ECO 362 is MAT 200. Does it mean I have to take MAT 200 instead of, say MAT 211 or MAT 214, in order to satisfy the requirements for ECO 362?</p>

<p>You’ll probably need to take something in the MAT 20x series, or MAT 217-218, but I can’t say for sure. Doubt that MAT 211 or 214 would prepare you for ECO 362; they’re very different from MAT 20x. But if you’re confident that you won’t need these prerequisites, you could email the professor for 362 and ask.</p>

<p>Thank you for your helpful reply.</p>

<p>I don’t see why you couldn’t take MAT 200 in addition to other math courses, say 211 or 214, etc. MAT 200 is just more of an economics-specific math course.</p>

<p>you definitely don’t have to take mat200 in addition to 201/202. Prereqs are more of a recommendation than a requirement. 201/202 will prepare you fine for eco362</p>

<p>You’ll need multivariable calc before 362 though. That’s not covered in 211 or 214 I don’t think.</p>

<p>To reiterate what ec1234 said, prereqs at Princeton are not taken very seriously. Usually professors will let you sign up for a course even if you haven’t technically fulfilled the requirements as long as you email them ahead of time. FWIW, 362 doesn’t use multivariable calculus at all, and the only “linear algebra” you need to know is how to solve a system of linear equations. A lot of people who enroll haven’t taken 310 yet and do just fine.</p>

<p>Interesting points. I’ll probably talk to my academic adviser about it.</p>