Match me for Target Schools! [TX resident, 3.35 GPA, top 32% rank, 1450 SAT superscore; biochemistry, neuroscience, genetics]

Hi, everyone! I’m a female Indian student from Texas attending a competitive public school, and I’d love your input on recommendations for target schools based on my stats. I have no preference for schools being out of state or instate.Here’s a breakdown of my profile:


  • Gender: Female

  • Ethnicity: Indian

  • Location: Texas

  • School: Competitive Public School

  • No hooks

Intended Majors:

  • Biochemistry/Neuroscience/Genetics

Academic Stats:

  • SAT: 1450 superscore-retaking in October

  • GPA: Unweighted: 3.35/4, Weighted: 4.03/5

  • Class Rank: Top 30 percent 214/677


  • Completed only AP classes and honors courses

  • AP Courses:

  • 5 in Seminar

  • 4 in Research

  • 3 in Biology

  • 3 in Calculus BC

  • 3 in Language

  • 3 in APUSH

  • Also taking AP Chem, AP Art History, AP Stats, Multivariable Calc Honors, Health Science Theory, and AP Lit


  • Events Director at Girl Up Texas Triangle Coalition

  • Co-founder of an app aimed at improving teen mental health, “Teenfully”

  • Published research paper

  • Co-founder of the Law Education Project

  • Mentor for mentors and mentees

  • Tutoring experience

-Over 200 hrs volunteering

  • Active participation in several medical-related clubs
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Cost concerns?
Desires - small/medium/large. Weather. Urban, not urban, etc. need more info. Sports, Greek life etc.

How much does diversity in the student body matter ?

Are you of pre med intent ?

214/677 = 0.316, so you are in the top 32% (not top 30%). suggests that you may have automatic admission to most Texas public universities except Texas A&M College Station, Texas A&M Galveston, UT Austin, UT Dallas, UT Permian Basin, UT Rio Grande Valley. Check individual campuses for any changes that may have been made since that list was made (by a Texas high school).

Of course, cost constraints can matter. What is your price limit?

OP already received advice on her previous thread.

Please you poster’s other thread linked above for further discussion. Thank you.