Match me. High hopes/high stats NJ high school senior interested in Neuroscience or BioPhysics

No she hasnt looked at Delaware. Not worried about size at Colorado, but it is a factor.
As for Rutgers, she just doesn’t care for it…

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Delaware is a great school and is worth checking out. Does she still have no interest in SUNY? They would meet your cost.


Based on what i know about hiw AZ recalculates, she will be on the higher side

Not really interested in SUNY schools unfortunately.

They do a 4.0 unweighted but even if she qualifies for the third tier of merit ( if it doesn’t change), it’s about $20k tuition so still well under. Very good for physics / astronomy. Colorado will cost mid 50s or more almost assuredly. Their merit is generally small but in the past they had a few larger scholarships.

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I understand. SUNY doesn’t have the sports etc as some of the other schools. Many HS students feel this way. It’s too bad because they are good schools with strong students and the price is right.

Regardless, you seem to have several schools that will likely be affordable. I don’t think BU, Northeastern and a few others will be, but there is no harm in applying.

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My brother is a physicist and recruits post docs from AZ regularly. So agree they are legit for physics and astronomy…

Do you have any information on the types of jobs/employers that hire in computational neuroscience? And would a BS/MS be sufficient or is a PhD needed for interesting work?



She is still considering different majors so we havent delved into grad studies or jobs in depth because i think she plans to get a PhD. Having said that, i work in Pharma and am sure there are jobs there but likely more entry level without PhD.

She may (or may not) change her major or career goals over the next few years as she is exposed to different classes, experiences etc.

She has a lot of schools and recommendations. I would have her take a good look at all of them and pick a few that she knows will be affordable, that seem interesting to her etc. That is the most important list. Once she has that list she can add other schools.

Has she considered Muhlenberg?

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No, hasnt considered Muhlenberg.

Muhlenberg has merit. It’s not guaranteed so it cannot be placed on the list of affordable schools, but it’s worth investigating.

Has she visited Lehigh and shown a lot of interest? Merit will be very tough, especially coming from NJ.


She has visited Lehigh and her Dad is an alum. Wpuld not have envisioned her liking it so much, but she really liked the campus and all she saw there.


I don’t know if they still do local visits, but if they do I would encourage her to attend. I would open all emails, get to know the school in detail (majors, traditions, etc). Significant merit is difficult and a financial rejection would be tough. It’s a beautiful campus.

I would encourage her to focus on schools that will be affordable and then, once that list is established, add a few reaches (I feel Lehigh is an academic match and a financial reach given the need for merit).


My daughter from NJ went to Delaware, similar stats but higher score. Honors and $17,000 a year merit. Beautiful campus, happy vibes. She’s now getting her doctorate in physical therapy at BU (they gave her some merit).


Great to hear! Did she also do published research in high school. That and her internship with a workd renowned scientist will, I hope, enhance her application particularly since she can discuss it confidently

Delaware has a beautiful campus and I do believe your daughter would be a strong candidate for merit.

Our HS has a research course before the start of the school day. Every year there are a few kids who publish, and they all have good college acceptance outcomes.

I cannot say for sure whether it was the research that got them these acceptances as the students are overall very strong, but I have to assume that it was a positive.

I don’t know how they published so quickly - my daughter was not part of the program. My daughter published and it took many years.

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It took my daughter a full school year to publish through Rutgers. Then she was invited to be a Waksman Scholar last summer where she also published.


My daughter did not publish in HS but she had a few publications in college. It took 3-4 years of undergrad and then about a year following graduation.

The students who were involved in our HS program did it junior and senior year and were published toward the end of senior year as part of a larger study. The program was there essentially to teach them about the process. I don’t know all of the details regarding the publishing process.

The program your daughter was involved in through Rutgers sounds great. Our HS did not have an affiliation like that.

I would definitely check out UDel. She’s a strong student - I think she will get merit at several schools.

I see she was a farm employee- that’s actually pretty impressive imo. What kind of business did she have when she was 12 (also very impressive). She has some impressive ECs!

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She is dog and cat CPR certified so she started a petsitting business. Companion animals and live stock. Shes had a lot of fun and made good $$. Her common app essay discusses qhat she learnes from her clients