Match Me: International Math/Phil Prospective Student from Kosovo with an EFC of $0 [4.0 GPA, 1510 SAT (780RW, 730M), 115 TOEFL]

If you search LinkedIn + Yale + Kosovo, there appears to be more than one student.

Many more …

I don’t know all the geographic tie ins but it would appear more attend or attended Yale than you realize.

You do seem to be right about that, that’s interesting. Still though, it’s not a large cohort and they all seem to have a spike that made them better applicants than myself. Also worth noting that most of them are from the capital, and that’s essentially an entirely different country in terms of opportunities than the rest of us.

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Haverford, as you may have learned by now, offers similar access to Philadelphia. For context on the settings of these schools, this Newsweek article may be of interest:

It would seem best, however, to disregard statistical information appearing in the article based on the date of its publication.

The interview would be through Zoom or another video system.

After a gap year you’d apply to a whole new group of universities.

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Listen, you can look for reasons for Yale not to accept you but why ?

If you’ve done your best then it is what it is. It’s highly likely they will reject you - but that’s the same response to everyone. But if you’re happy with what you’ve done and you should be, then be happy and hopeful.

You are not qualified to know who is or isn’t hooked.

But given Yale is highly unlikely and you have no money to contribute, most important is which other schools will you apply. I sent you the six other need blind meets need and you might add the meets need need aware as well. The more the better.

Good luck.

Keep in mind that even with a full ride your family might have to outlay money to cover flights & ground transportation, books, health insurance, and other incidentals. Be sure those costs can be managed.


As others have suggested, I think you should look closely at Hamilton. Hamilton may be the only LAC in the U.S. to offer a general summer program in philosophy. This is noteworthy and reflects well on Hamilton’s philosophy program overall. In any case, whichever college you attend, you may want to keep the program in mind. It is open to international students and provides room and board without charge, as well as a stipend.


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