Match me: international student with 9.3/10 gpa 1600 sat avg ecs & 23k/year budget for polisci / public policy / ir

Use this information as a starting point for your research:

Regarding this, EFC isn’t what your family is able/willing to pay…it’s what the college calculates as your need.


I actually chose a lot of my schools based on the after-aid COA of the schools in that database T-T. I pointed to that and another one in this thread:

if i cross-check affordable schools from the site you pointed to and their respective npcs and they match up / seem affordable, is it safe to assume the after-aid EFC is accurate?

For an international student I would only be comfortable with an NPC cost estimate if the school’s FA office tells you the NPC should be accurate for internationals.

Also, some NPCs may not be accurate in certain instances like the parents are divorced, own a business and/or real estate beyond a primary home.

All but 7 or so schools are need blind/meet full need for internationals. So at the schools that are need aware/meet need, the schools decide which students they want to invest in.


You are well-aligned for a major in public policy then. This interdisciplinary field emphasizes practical approaches to societal issues generally more so than other social sciences majors.

thank you for the info! i’ll definitely keep this in mind.

thank you for the insight :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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These are the colleges that are both need blind AND meet full need for all international students who are accepted.

U.S. institutions that are need-blind and meet full demonstrated need for both U.S. and international students

There are currently seven U.S. higher education institutions that are need-blind towards all applicants. These institutions meet full demonstrated need for all applicants, including international students.[2] These are:

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These analyses may offer you perspective on the economics programs at colleges of potential interest:

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