Math 141

<p>I need to get the Quan. Reasoning A requirement out of the way this fall and enrolled in Math 141. As I am HORRID at math, my academic advisor told me it is the easiest math class. I looked at some old exams for the class on the math library website ad I am a little freaked out; couldn't understand a lot of the questions. I know I will learn the material, but I am just a little freaked out that I will do terrible in the class. Anyone who has taken Math 141 and can offer me some advice on the class (tests/exams, studying, difficulty, etc.)? Really appreciate the help!</p>

<p>Go to every lecture + read the text before class + talk to your TA WHENEVER you have questions.</p>

<p>Go to Mathlab too. It opens Mon-Fri from ~3pm till 7-8pm and Sunday afternoon too. </p>

<p>I was struggling with Calc2. But I spend 3-4 days a week for 3 hours straight sitting in the Mathlab doing problems. There are 2-3 TAs answering questions.</p>

<p>Excellent advice above.</p>