Math 3B options

<p>Apparently, students taking 3B can take a class which is in session weekly or tr-weekly. I know taking a class tri-weekly puts the student at a faster pace but would you still recommend it in order to complete the course sooner?</p>

<p>I'm an incoming computer computer engineer student if it makes a difference.</p>

<p>Other way around. </p>

<p>The same amount of material (theoretically) gets covered by both courses in the same amount of time (10 weeks; i.e. one quarter) and since the TR lecture is only twice a week, then you must cram the same amount of material in two lectures.</p>

<p>I would chose the MWF lecture since those extra 25 minutes are brutal for TR lecture. Comprehension and attention completely plummets after 50 minutes, in my opinion. Unless you have a good reason to take the TR (such as the MWF being terrible).</p>

<p><em>the TR lecture does NOT finish sooner</em></p>

<p>So MWF and TR and W all end at the same time?</p>

<p>I guess it does make sense to take MWF, then.</p>

<p>There is no W only.</p>

<p>But yes, all courses are 10 weeks long.</p>

<p>I think you are confused. All students have yo take a lecture AND a section. sections are weekly. lectures (Fall quarter for Math 3b) are either MWF 1 hr each or TR 1:30 hrs each. So lecture is 3 hrs per week. Lecture focuses more on exposing the material and section on implementing it in smaller groups. The sections corresponding to each lecture are under the section times and are indented (ps can’t indent on on reply here tho). Example:
EnrlCd Day(s) Time(s) Instructor(s) Location(s) Max Space </p>

<p>29827 M W F 1:00 PM-1:50 PM T.B.A. LSB 1001 150 119 final </p>

<pre><code> 29835 T 11:00 AM-11:50 AM T.B.A. 387 103 25 6

29843 T 8:00 AM-8:50 AM T.B.A. PHELP1448 25 24

29850 T 5:00 PM-5:50 PM T.B.A. GIRV 2127 25 16

29868 T 6:00 PM-6:50 PM T.B.A. PHELP3505 25 23

29876 T 7:00 PM-7:50 PM T.B.A. GIRV 2108 25 25

29884 T 8:00 AM-8:50 AM T.B.A. NH 1109 25 25

<p>the first one is the lecture, the following ones are the corresponding section (note sections have smaller space). To add a class you add the section you want and it automatically adds the lecture. Note: to get into a class it must have spots open in both lecture or sections. So even if the lecture has 10 spots left, but the sections are all full, you are out of luck.</p>