UCSB Undergrad math classes only 50 minites long?

Am I missing something here? Heres the link showing this. https://my.sa.ucsb.edu/public/curriculum/coursesearch.aspx

Is UCSB more self study? Im not afraid of it, I’d just like to be prepared going into it ya know? But seeing a 5 unit class for a 50 minute block once a week (unless your in a class of 300) seems a little odd. O.o

Can anyone enlighten me?

Are you sure it’s not a supplemental “recitation” or lab session in addition to the normal lecture?

I see a Calc 1 class with 3 50 minute periods MWF and an additional 50 minute lab each week. What math class are you looking at?

@OhHeyThere69 The first line in a class listing is the lecture, and the other lines are sections. So, say:

  MATH 3A CALC WITH APPLI 1   PANAGIOTOU E   MWF  12:00pm - 12:50pm   NH 1006 65 / 100<br>
MATH 3A         30148   HAWKINS C P  T  5:00pm - 5:50pm HSSB 1237   23 / 25 
MATH 3A         30155   HAWKINS C P  T  6:00pm - 6:50pm HSSB 1236   8 / 25<br>
MATH 3A     Closed  30163       T   7:00pm - 7:50pm HSSB 1224   0 / 25<br>
MATH 3A         30171   HAWKINS C P  T  8:00am - 8:50am HSSB 1227   12 / 25 
MATH 3A         30189   HAWKINS C P  T  4:00pm - 4:50pm HSSB 1233   22 / 25

means that the lecture for Math 3A is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12 noon to 12:50pm. Then, you also attend a “section” that is one of the ones listed below that first line. In this case, all of them are on Tuesdays and they are at various times.

So, you attend 4 classes of 50 minutes each. That is pretty typical for how classes are taught in college. The lecture is generally taught by a professor and the sections are taught by grad students.

Or, were you asking about some class with a schedule not similar to that?

Ohhhhh! @“SC Anteater” , @Ynotgo Thanks for the clarification. I just got accepted as a transfer student and my community college is set up way different (obviously right?). I wasn’t sure if the 3 day a week class was its own and the 50 minutes once a week class was some kind of “here’s a quick lecture/exam now go study on your own” kinda thing. In my CC, a 5 unit class was like a 3 hour block twice a week so now that I’m transferring, I just wanted to get a feel for what to expect. Thanks for the clarification. :smiley:

@bodangles I honestly don’t know, but I got my answer. Thanks anyways!