Math at USC - worth it or not?

<p>I've been accepted to the college of arts and sciences (Math major). I don't know if it's worth going since USC is only especially well-known for its business and film programmes.
However, how strong is the math department and how prestigious is it to obtain a Math degree from USC? Another question: What if i lose my interest in math in the middle of freshman year - will i be able to switch to, say, business?</p>

<p>math, i have never heard of anyone possessing a math major, thats an interesting choice, what made you choose it?</p>

<p>i just visited the campus and they say switching majors is not a problem. apparently you have an academic advisor that you can meet with often enough to stay on top of those things.</p>

<p>well, the fact that i don't know what i wanna major in uni made me choose math - seeing that it's the only subject that I enjoy doing. I think it can branch out to many other areas, and thus is flexible. I have the option of going to UVA and UIUC. Help?! I would rather spend 40k a year in a school like Stanford to study math - in USC, it just doesn't sound right for Math.</p>

<p>Since it sounds like you're not too sure about your major, I think USC is a good choice because it's so strong in other areas. And as haley8733 mentioned, it seems simple to switch majors.</p>