Is there a lower level math version of 155? ive done math 31 and 32 but im not getting math 155 and i think i need to withdrawl it.
Since math course numbers vary by school, other people are unlikely to be able to help you if you do not mention the school these math courses are at.
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Oh my bad its spartanburg community college and the 31 and 32 math were the basic math 155 is contemporary math i believe
Course offerings and course numbers vary from college to college. I recommend that you talk to an academic advisor at the college and/or your current math professor to help you figure out the best next step.
Alright thanks for the help thou
Course Descriptions - Spartanburg Community College - Acalog ACMS™ lists the math courses there.
After 032, it looks like you can take any of the following: 101, 103, 152, 155, or 160.
Is there a tutoring service at your community college?