Math Classes

<p>How hard is the analysis and algebra sequences? (360-361 and 370-371)? What do you do in lab exactly? The fact that a lab even exists seems a lil weird and is a turn off for me because i want to take 360 and 370 in the same semester (both have labs). Should i just take both of them? (yes i am a math major)</p>

<p>I’m a sophomore math major who both 360 and 370 this past semester. The difficulty of these courses just depends on the professor. I would recommend taking them as early as you can if you want to go on to study higher levels of math. </p>

<p>360 wasn’t bad… the tests were very similar to homeworks, though our proofs were graded pretty roughly. Our TA would give us his proofs to the homeworks, so we mostly studied them for the tests. Our grade was based on our performance relative to the rest of the class, and I’m not sure how harsh the curve was. </p>

<p>370 we had homeworks and two tests, and our grade was based again on our performance w.r.t. the rest of the class. the teacher of this semester’s class is brilliant but is very hard to understand, so we didn’t learn a lot. But last year they had a really good teacher so the class learned a lot.</p>

<p>Labs are just recitations that a TA leads, usually helping with homeworks or reviewing topics. they’re once a week at night, from 6:30-8:30 usually. the upperlevel math classes tend to have these.</p>

<p>so you can definitely take them both. depending on your background with proofs and your goals (grad school for math?), you can even think of taking 502-503 or 508-509. these are hardcore though, and will definitely take a ton of time, so i wouldn’t recommend taking both of these at once.</p>

<p>hey bumblebee,</p>

<p>i was wondering if you know how difficult (time-consuming) would it be to major in both econ in wharton and math in CAS as a dual-degree?</p>


<p>do you remember any math professors? I’m just afraid 360 and 370 in one semester might be really time consuming because i will be taking 6 credits since i wanna double major =/</p>

<p>recommend** not remember</p>

<p>I have no idea about econ in wharton with math… though there are a lot of people who do econ and math. also, i think econ is a major in the College… </p>

<p>Zero - You could probably handle both at once even with 6 credits, though I guess this does depend on your other classes. I’m also a double major, and I took 5 credits (2 maths, physics, pchem, econ), but found the workload fine. So adding another class would probably be somewhat stressful, but someone who would want 6 credits in the first place would probably be okay with this. </p>

<p>I haven’t really had a math professor that I would recommend. I liked Storm when I had him for Math 240, and I hear Deturck is really good. It’s hard to choose your math professors though, since there’s only one section of these classes per semester.</p>

<p>I had 370 with Harbater and it wasn’t bad. It’s not hard to get an A if you do the problem sets, which are also not hard. You just have to keep up with the material. I see no problem with taking 360 and 370 at the same time, but depending on what the other 4 classes are, it may be a challenging semester.</p>

<p>Do anyone know anything about math 420 (ordinary differential equations) ? I’m not planning on taking math 241, which is a prerequisite for 420. How hard is 420? Is it a good class for a math major or is it more for engineering students?</p>

<p>So i was fiddling around with my courses and I decided to just take 5 instead of 6, but then i want 3 math classes (370, 360, 420) >< do u recommend this? I haven’t taken 241 so i don’t know how hard 420 would be, but i really wanna do this cuz i like math a lot. (too bad the math department is not that great from what i hear =/ )</p>