Math conversion (Alberta cirriculum to American courses)- URGENT HELP NEEDED

<p>Hey guys:
I am halfway through my application for Universities of California (Due on 11/30 at 11:59 pacific time), but am now stuck on my indecision in reporting my Math grades. I have no clue how
Algebra I/II,
Integrated Math I/II/III,
Algebra II/Trigonometry,
and Advanced Mathematics
correlate with the Albertan high school curriculum. The only guess I may have is that Math 30 would have something to do with the Algebra II/Trigonometry, but I don't want the university to think I'm a genius (or an idiot, for that matter) by arbitrarily choosing Albertan math courses as substitutes to the courses listed above. Is there anyone can help my situation in any way, or may have been in my situation as well and have found solutions to this? I appreciate any form of help that might be given by this community (I'm a bit uncertain; it's my first post!)</p>

<p>Oh and to those who are unfamiliar to Alberta math, the curriculum involves math 9 (gr9), math 10 (gr10), math 20 (gr10 in my case), math 30 (gr11) and math 31 (introductory calculus course that I am doing right now). </p>

<p>So I currently go to school in Ontario, but I lived in the US for grades 9 and 10. Of course, there are also differences between the Ontario math curriculum and the Alberta math curriculum, but I can say that not every course has an exact match to a US course. The difference is not always in name only, in Canada, math is frequently taught in a different order to the US, so it is hard to tell. I would call someone at the universities you are applying to and ask.
I don’t know if this will be at all helpful, but I’ll lay out the order of the US math curriculum I had, versus that of Ontario.</p>

<p>US (I, like most people at my school, was a year ahead in math so it is: my year ahead class/the grade level class)
Grade 9- Geometry/Algebra
Grade 10- Algebra II/Geometry
Grade 11- Pre-calc and Trig/Algebra II
Grade 12- Calculus/Pre-calc and Trig</p>

<p>Ontario (grade 9 and 10 math is like “principles of mathematics” or something)
Grade 9-
Grade 10-
Grade 11- Functions
Grade 12- Advanced Functions and Calculus or Stats (can take calc or stats, but must take adv. functions)</p>

<p>After going through this the best thing I can tell you is that in the US they tend to teach by subject area of math, but in Canada they tend to mix the classes and so there is not always an exact correlation.</p>