Math Course Selection for Upcoming Freshman

<p>Hey guys!
I'll be entering into Macaulay Honors at Queen's College Class of 2014, and I need help with my course selection. I will be a physics major at Queens College for their 3-2 pre-engineering program. I took the AP Calculus BC exam last week and I'm fairly certain I got a 5. Heres the Question-</p>

<p>What math should I take next?</p>

<p>Differential Equations. Linear Algebra. Multivariable Calculus.</p>

<p>You probably want to know all of that. I would also be interested in learning Analysis/Complex Analysis, even though it will be even more “mathy” than Linear Algebra, which will also be pretty “mathy.”</p>

<p>if you’re doing engineering, I would take at least one of the classes you can exempt (probably calculus II) just to make sure you really understand the material</p>

<p>Physics majors at my school take a 3 semester sequence for intro physics that includes some basic quantum mechanics.</p>

<p>If your school is similar, that sequence will need diffy q’s, calc III, and linear algebra by the 3rd semester. So those should be your top priority, as stated above.</p>

<p>Taking Calc II/III, Linear algebra, and then diffy q’s (in that order) is pretty standard, but for many schools any of those courses can be taken after calc II.</p>