Math for HS senior interested in nursing

<p>My daughter is a high school junior with an interest in going to Pitt for Nursing. She is in the process of preparing her schedule for next year. She is in an accelerated math program, and has already completed Alg I, Alg II and Statistics in high school. She realizes that Pitt requires 4 years of math. However, she has no real desire to take calculus since she doesn't think it is required, and would like to take Consumer Math. Her concern is that the math class might look like she is "slacking off." She will have a full class load her senior year, filled with lots of AP classes, so it's not as though her senior year will be "easy." Can anyone advise us?</p>

<p>She is ranked in the top 5% percent in her class, has a GPA of 4.46 and scored 1810 combined on her first attempt at the SATs. She will be taking the ACTs in a few weeks and the SATs again in the summer. Should she have trouble getting into Pitt?</p>

<p>Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>It is not necessary to take Calculus. My daughter has been accepted by Pitt Nursing and did not take calculus. </p>

<p>Pitt Nursing has gotten VERY competitive. Obviously your daughter’s GPA is great but I’m not sure about her SAT. Good idea to also take the ACT…hopefully that will translate into a better score for her. </p>

<p>The best advice I can give you is to apply EARLY. I’d try to have your application complete and submitted (with references & a personal statement) by September 1st.</p>

<p>What other schools is she considering?</p>

<p>No need for calculus,but don’t take “bowling scoring” as a math class as a senior :slight_smile:
D needs to up the SAT scores as Aglages noted Pitt is VERY competitive…ACT score of 30± would help…Best of luck, Pitt is a great school</p>

<p>She is actually considering taking a Consumer Math class.</p>

<p>She most likely will apply to Dusquesne and Case Western Reserve. She really has her heart set on Pitt, and I too, worry about her SAT scores. </p>

<p>Regarding applying early: I know Pitt is VERY competitive and admission is on a rolling basis. Does that mean it’s kind of like “first come, first serve”? </p>

<p>Thanks for all of your help!</p>


<p>D did not get into Pitt(main campus,got shuttled off to a sattelite campus,we passed on that) …She loved everything about Pitt, as did we, as tuition is manageable…Got accepted to Dusquense with merit $$$$$, and we declined…Accepted to Villanova, where she is headed to in the fall…</p>

<p>Thanks very much for your quick reply. What was required for your daughter to get into Dusquesne?</p>

<p>We are just starting this process and my head is already spinning!</p>

<p>D had SAT of 1900±, ACT 27…GPA 3.7…Was accepted EA,back in October,with generous Merit Aid…Loved U Pitt, and we thought this would be a solid safety,as it is located in Pittsburgh, which has really turned around as a city…Unfortunately, when she compared it to U Pitt,she was mildly disappointed…We attended an admitted students day,and we’re ok with program, but had several mild concerns…For example, many of the students know each other BEFORE attending Dusquesne…Some attended HS together, and this was even brought up by faculty,to kind of “broach” the subject with incoming students/parents…</p>

<p>You could not be more correct about Duquesne. We live west of the city of Pittsburgh and lots of my daughter’s friends are already talking about how great it would be to go to Dusquesne together!</p>

<p>Thanks for your help.</p>

My daughter did not apply to Duquesne, but she was accepted at both CWRU and Pitt. She liked Case a lot (1600 clinical hours), but in the end chose Pitt because of its more renown nursing program, it was closer to home (we live in Peters Twp), her mother is a Pitt nursing alum and it was less expensive. All three schools are worth considering and attending.</p>

<p>As far as “first come first served”…we were told numerous times by many people in Pitt nursing that their program often fills up by the end of December and those that apply the earliest have the best chance. My daughter’s application was submitted on 8/25/2009. It took a couple of weeks longer for the high school to send the transcript and teacher recommendations. She was accepted EA at the end of September 2009.
Her scores were:
1320/ 1600 & 1990/2400 SAT
32 ACT
3.8 GPA</p>

<p>Another great Pennsylvania choice: University of Scranton</p>

<p>You do have to apply early, as they stop accepting applications in to nursing program early.</p>

<p>(D is taking physics and pre-calculus senior year. Not sure if she had to.)</p>

<p>We just went to the Preview Day on Saturday and we were blown away by the Nursing program. They have 3 hospitals within walking distance, and a 4th hospital that is a ten minute drive down the highway. (2 out of 4 have recently received national recognition.)</p>

<p>Small classes, lots of clinical time, excellent teaching, happy kids, nice campus. Introductory nursing class starts freshman year, with other nursing major classes sophomore year. They can study abroad spring sophomore year if they plan it right. Lots of labs & clinicals junior and senior years.
2009 NCLEX first time pass rate was 94%.</p>

<p>D asked if she could get a purple sweatshirt, so I am 99% sure that this is the one.:o</p>

<p>We are so happy. It seems like it would be a perfect fit for her. (even though it is a little longer drive than we would like…);)</p>

<p>Glad to hear that, sokkermom. I was going to ask you if you were going to buy the sweatshirt! How was Farley’s?</p>

<p>Farley’s was great and we had a blast at Riverdance !
(The brunch at the Radisson is unbelievable. We dined with most of the cast from the show who were at the hotel.)</p>

<p>D immediately hit it off with some of the band kids during Preview Day, and was already recruited by one of the nursing students to be on the intramural coed dodgeball team.:rolleyes: Soccer coach interested in talking to her, but it may be too much with the pretty intense nursing curriculum.</p>

<p>I’ll send you a PM when we send the deposit and order the shirt!</p>