<p>I was wondering how genius these people are? I ll use this information for my term paper, please just say your math score and IQ score. I just need like twenty people...</p>
<p>help me, I ll really appreciate :)</p>
<p>I was wondering how genius these people are? I ll use this information for my term paper, please just say your math score and IQ score. I just need like twenty people...</p>
<p>help me, I ll really appreciate :)</p>
<p>you can send pm. please help =/</p>
<p>Well, I have an 800, but I’ve never taken an IQ test…</p>
<p>[IQ</a> Test](<a href=“iqtest.org.uk”>http://www.iqtest.org.uk/)</p>
<p>you can try this one. i think it is accurate.</p>
<p>i just took it and got a 145
i got a 800</p>
<p>thank youu dazedndasian!!!</p>
<p>you realize that 145 pretty much means i’m a genius right?
i really don’t think that test was accurate lol</p>
<p>Um, I don’t think this is a reliable way of getting your point across in a term paper. Math II is known for its big curve and it’s information-based. And online IQ tests aren’t accurate.</p>
<p>but, you have to realize that all IQ tests are absolutely not accurate. since that time, i ve never seen any test which shows the truth. also, everybody takes different IQ tests, naturally, this affects the trustworthiness of my research as i aware… to prevent this problem, if it is possible, i want you to do the one that i gave its link…</p>
<p>in response to second question, of course, a lot of people with high IQ wouldnt get a good score due to the lack of knowledge because math2 requires a lot of information…i will try to handle this disturbance.</p>
<p>btw, I will keep statistics like this</p>
<p>IQ : 140-150 %90 >750</p>
<p>IQ : 130-140 %80 >750</p>
<p>IQ : 120-130 %60 >750</p>
<p>I really need this information. it is for one of my elective classes. actually, the teacher wanted me to do because he believes that even though there is some exceptions, people with high IQ usually become more succesful on paper as in life…</p>
<p>please help :)</p>
<p>dazedndasian you must be smarter than me lol, I just got a 136.</p>
<p>thank you 112 358 :)</p>
<p>139 on that test, 800 math II.</p>
<p>I got 148 and an 800 on SAT II math, but I think its a bit inflated. If your interested, there is actually a test that has a .86 correlation with the recentered SAT I math score and a .7 correlation with actual IQ scores over here:</p>
<p>[The</a> Cerebrals Society](<a href=“http://www.cerebrals.com/index.php?go=tests]The”>http://www.cerebrals.com/index.php?go=tests)</p>
<p>TRI52 at the bottom</p>
<p>thank you all!</p>
<p>I got 750. Last IQ test was a couple years ago, which I got a 140 on.</p>
<p>thank you kate10662!</p>
<p>who is your dad do we know him
does he have any nobel?:D</p>
<p>Got an 800, 146 IQ</p>
<p>thank you all!</p>
<p>Dear FURKANK , Math level 2 Test is not testing anything inate.It is testing your knowledge about certain areas of math and your ability to apply this knowledge to solve problems. Let us suppose someone’s IQ is average, he/she can still score 800, if he/she study’s enough.A higher IQ would allow you to learn faster, but you still HAVE to learn. </p>
<p>Now, to answer your question, I have IQ 172. It was measured with a certified professional test called FRT and the test was administered in MENSA Croatia. The test you provided in the link is nothing similar in difficulty to the test I took. It is much easier.
I took Math Level 2 twice, first time I got 740, second (when I prepared for it)800.</p>