<p>Any recomendations for a Christian College with both good Math and Music (Composition) programs? My son wants to dual major in both. We have no idea where to start looking. So far we have really only looked into Messiah College, because my daughter currently goes there.</p>
<p>Loyola University might be a good fit:</p>
<p><a href=“http://math-colleges.com/loyola-university-new-orleans#ratings”>http://math-colleges.com/loyola-university-new-orleans#ratings</a>
<a href=“http://best-music-colleges.com/loyola-university-new-orleans#ratings”>http://best-music-colleges.com/loyola-university-new-orleans#ratings</a></p>
<p>It is a catholic school.</p>
<p>What are your son’s stats? What’s your budget? Will you need financial aid or merit aid?
St Olaf is an obvious choice: excellent for math, Christian (although moderate to liberal - they’re Lutheran, not evangelical; sizable Catholic population, too), and stellar music department. Math/Music is a popular combination.
This is an interesting decision thread:
<a href=“My college application results and final decision - College Search & Selection - College Confidential Forums”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/1645311-my-college-application-results-and-final-decision.html</a>
This I found randomly due to the above post:
<a href=“Sing For Joy® from St. Olaf College”>http://www.stolaf.edu/singforjoy/</a></p>
<p>Christian colleges that are easier to get into and have good music include Luther, Concordia, Eastern… (I’m sure I’ll think of more )
If you’re open to non Christian colleges, you have Lawrence (WI) and, if your son is a stellar student and musician, Williams.</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.bc.edu/content/bc/schools/cas/music.html”>http://www.bc.edu/content/bc/schools/cas/music.html</a></p>
<p><a href=“Math Department - Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences - Boston College”>Math Department - Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences - Boston College;
<p>Hi, i have very funny question, what is maths composition? is maths some art, or are you refer to maths research?</p>
<p>Consider Belmont in Nashville.</p>
Try Belmont. My S is a composition major there and is very happy.