<p>I know some people thought having a Prime Number Program would be quite useful, so I made an addition to SAT OS. If anyone has a suggestion for a new Math function, please post it here and I will try to make it and include it in the OS. Thanks! :)</p>
<p>A way to encode/decode a message such that it can be encoded by any user with SAT OS (and a security key of some sort specified) and than decoded by the same or another SAT OS user with knowledge of said security key.</p>
<p>Not sure if this is possilbe---I just recently started to look into BASIC programming for the TI-84.</p>
<p>Sure! However, the program may/may not be effective if someone can get a hold of the calculator and plug it into their computer...(As soon as you plug it into the computer, now you enter the world of mainstream computer cracking, therefore, the security on the calculator wouldn't have a chance ;) ). </p>
<p>But, you can check out the password protect software applications at <a href="http://www.ticalc.org%5B/url%5D">www.ticalc.org</a> => Make sure that it is written in assembly language because any program written in BASIC would easily be deassembled and cracked.</p>
<p>Thanks for the suggestion!</p>
<p>could ne one post the code for SAT OS please</p>
<p>and thats for a TI 83+ calc not 89</p>
<p>As of right now, SAT OS works only on a TI-89 BASIC language-compatable calculator (TI-89, TI-89 Titanium, [Possibly] TI-92, but you can't use 92 on SAT anyway). This is because the 89 has a built-in algebra system and the OS takes full advantage of this system; if anyone knows someone who is interested in designing a port for the 83+, or is interested in designing one theirself, feel free. Please let me know if you know how. Thanks! ;)</p>
<p>Hey programmer do you know how, on the TI-83/84 to make a program un-editable? I managed to make a program within a quadratic formula program, that would be executed by typing in a certain number. However it would be easily foiled by going through the edit menu.</p>
<p>Yes, there is a way; however, as soon as you connect the calculator to a computer, the program can be received via the cable and will be editable, and could be reloaded, editable, back on to the calculator. So if you were to distribute it through the net, people could make it editable.</p>
<p>If there's some obscure formula you don't know, or can't do quickly, enter it in. I find that the distance formula is computed much, much quicker via program.</p>
<p>For lots of formulas, both on standardized tests and in school tests, you are required to backsolve the equation somewhat. For instance, with a right triangle there might be a problem giving you the hypotneuse and leg length so it is still mandatory to know the formulas.</p>
<p>However, that is very rarely the case with a few formulas, like pretty much all graphing related formulas like distance, quadratic, angles between lines...</p>
<p>I think all of the equations and formulas you guys mentioned above I have in the OS I think (<em>sits, thinks, and scratches head; stares blankly at the ceiling</em>). Yep => the OS calculates distance, midpt, anything to do with a triangle whatsoever, etc. Man - I'm stumped. I want to put more in there to help you all out! :D If there's a wierd forumula or something that takes time to enter into your calculator, please post it! Thanks!</p>
<p>The perpendicular line formula! The one with a line...and a point...and...oh, shoot. I forget.</p>
<p>Distance between a Line and a point.
Angles between 2 lines. </p>
<p>These are IIC Formulas.</p>
<p>is there any good program for TI-83+?</p>
<p>for the Prime numbers, did you use Sieve of Erathoses? I can't spell it right.</p>
<p>I recently made a program on my Ti89 Basic using and crappy mod of the sieve. </p>
<p>How do you use array's on the Ti89? Do you have to just use a list or whatever?</p>
<p>To: ashernm </p>
<p>Thank you so much, I will develop a new function that modifies a given slope of a line and automatically determines the line that is perpendicular to it. I will start work as soon as possible.</p>
<p>To: sagar_indurkhya </p>
<p>Surprisingly there is a built in function in the TI-89 that automatically determines if the number is Prime. The program that I designed takes advantage of this is and sets up an easy-to-use UI that informs the end-user if the number is Prime and if not, it factors it into Prime Numbers (Prime Factorization).</p>
You do not need to make a factoring program. With the 89 when you factor a number it shows it in terms of prime factors.</p>
<p>I realize that: It's built into the Prime Numbers Program as a convenience (Just in case a question necessitates a factorization of a number in addition to the question of whether it is Prime or not). It's just a convenience - again, a time saver. :D</p>
<p>Yeah. I tried to figure out how to use it in the BASIC programs I built. How do I use it from BASIC? Should I just go to catalog?</p>
<pre><code> - Added numerous features to 'SLOPE' function (including equation of line (REGULAR AND PERPENDICULAR), find y-intercept, and display slope as a fraction vs. decimal.
- Added "Find 'xth' Root" Function - find's the 'xth' root of any number
- Enhanced the menu to make it cleaner and easier to navigate. ****NEW LINE MENU****
<p>Thanks guys for your input - I said that I was going to add those features, and, I did :D </p>
<p>Please, post any more features/equations/formulas/theorms/whatever that are hard, tedious, or time-consuming. Thanks!</p>