<p>So I THOUGHT that my SAT 2s were cancelled I sent a fax and when I called they told me they can't tell me if it was cancelled or not until the day of the scores. I thought that was shady but I trusted they received them. Anyway I check and I got my scores 750 math 2 and 790 chem. I feel like crying as I'm not sure if its acceptable for me to retake scores that appear ok. For chem I don't even care I'm not really a chem person but even when I walked out of the test I knew math was a fail-8 omits and some guesses-and for chem in the last minute after checking over the test repeatedly for the last 15 minutes I found that I didn't answer a question. I signed up to take the june sat 2s already but know I don't know if it would look bad to retake them. The context of why I want to retake is as follows... I had all my IB tests the week before the SAT and was cramming every night for a new test and had over-testing fatigue, for both chemistry and math I discovered the night before that I hadn't a lot of the stuff(especially in math) as we cover different things in IB, and I really want an 800 math:) and I kind of need it as I don't have a good way of showing I'm good at math. On the other hand I feel I shouldn't retake as... while I doubt it I COULD do worse in chem, the scores don't look that bad, also with my crappy GPA I can hardly act like perfectionist just for this, and while I WILL raise my score in math what if I don't get an 800 was there a point.</p>
<p>Yeah so I knew I'd get scores like the ones I got but I hoped that by cancelling them I wouldn't have to doubt retaking. What should I do and would retaking look bad?</p>
<p>I’m not a grammar nazi but paragraphs please!</p>
<p>THANK YOU sinthreck such helpful advice. If anyone wouldn’t mind giving me advice I have restructured the above post. Unfortunately grammar isn’t my strong suit hope its decipherable.</p>
<p>I thought the scores were cancelled… they weren’t. </p>
<p>790 chem
740 math</p>
-discovered in the last minute that I didn’t answer one in chem
-did not learn material for both due to IB vs AP
-over tested and was tired that week( 9 test in 5 days)
-need to show I’m good at math/ want an 800
-score would easily improve for math by learning a few topics and reviewing trig
-costs money to change test/test date</p>
-test is this next weekend
-if I don’t go up to an 800 would it still be worth it?
-does retaking a subject test look bad?
-only started studying this weekend</p>
<p>What do you think?</p>
<p>Thank you for the help.</p>
<p>740 or 750 Math II?</p>
<p>If you’ve spent the money, you might as well take the test, however, I would suggest that you don’t need to retake the tests. What was your math score on the SAT I ? What is your grade in the class? If those are solid, you’re fine. It would be really silly to retake the Chem.</p>
<p>I would retake Math but not Chem. 790 and 800 is a meaningless difference.
740 and 800 is like top 10% vs top 1%.
Also, for future reference make a space in between paragraphs, it looks so much less intimidating and is easier on the eyes.</p>
its a 750 the 740 is my SAT I math score. I see that retaking chem is a silly idea and I’m happy with that score and I’ll just retake math to pull it up. My grades in general aren’t CC material so I guess I won’t be fine regardless
but just got an 800 on a practice test so I think with more practice I’ll at LEAST raise my score.</p>