<p>Im not getting this logic stuff..... Heres an example of a question i dont get</p>
<p>Given these statements:
I. Some numbers are not prime
II. No primes are squares.</p>
<p>If some means "at least one", it can be concluded from I and II that
a) some numbers are squares
b) some squares are not numbers
c) some numbers are not squares
d) no numbers are squares
e) none of the above is a conclusion of I and II</p>
<p>I thought the answer was A.......but it turned out the answer is E......can anyone explain y?</p>
<p>c. Since some numbers are prime and primes are not squares, then its like Some = P, and P = not square, so Some = not square.</p>
<p>Think of it as:</p>
<p>"At least one" alien(s) are/is not red.
No red aliens are tall.</p>
<p>(if it is red, it is not tall)</p>
<p>You don't know for sure that any aliens are red. (you don't know that there are any numbers that are prime). That knocks out c. </p>
<p>And you don't know if any aliens are tall (that some numbers are squares), which eliminates a. </p>
<p>You also don't know that none of the aliens are tall. (eliminate d)</p>
<p>Answer b doesn't make any sense. Some tall aliens are not aliens?</p>
<p>Yeah, so that's how I work it out in my head. You just have to forget all prior knowledge with stuff like this.</p>
<p>bandito, you just know that Some=not P, not that Some=P. Just because it mentions that "no prime is a square" later doesn't mean that primes actually exist. Statement 2 can be reworded as "If it is a prime, then it is not a square" which doesn't assume existence of primes.</p>
<p>nystudent, you better be positive that the answer is E, because now I've made two posts supporting that answer...</p>
<p>Oh wait, I misread the question, yeah orch your right. Nowhere does it state that some other numbers are squares.</p>