Math Suggests College Frenzy Will Soon Ease

<p>I just found a very interesting article on the NY Times website.

High school seniors nationwide are anxiously awaiting the verdicts from the colleges of their choice later this month. But though it may not be of much solace to them, in just a few years the admissions frenzy is likely to ease. It’s simply a matter of demographics...


You can read the full article here: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Does anyone have any comments?</p>

<p>And again, my sister gets all the luck...</p>

<p>I'm in the class of spring is going to suck. >_></p>

<p>That may not be the case at the top schools. The eoncomic insentives will likely drive more applicants, and more people may see the wizdom of going to college. But safety schools may be a bit safer.</p>

<p>Since it would inevitably be posted, I'm just going to save time and post TokenAdult's oft-repeated words now:</p>

