<p>I would like to take the exemption exams for MIT's 18.03, 18.06 and 18.02 in the Fall of 2007. For 18.02 I'm just going to take the exam. For 18.03 and 18.06 I will do all the PSET's along with taking the exam. Is that enough? What are the requirements for exempting higher level courses at MIT? I am also going through all of the video lectures for 18.03 and 18.06. </p>
<p>(I'm getting a lot of this from the OCW website)</p>
<p>Also, what is the score required on each exam to pass? 90% seems a tough requirement for MIT when my friends at MIT talk of scores in the 60's-80's...</p>
<p>You need to do very, very, well. Just because you learned diffEQ or multivar doesn't mean you learned it at the MIT level.</p>
<p>That being said, there are exams for 18.03 and 18.06, if you want to go out the easy way. I guess you could do the psets and such and the ToC from your book, etc, but I don't think that's necessary.</p>
<p>if you have learned 18.06 to your own satisfaction, the only reason to take the exam in it is to prove to yourself that you have mastered the material. It is not required in order to be a course 18 major, it is not required as a prereq to other courses, and if you are a math major you'll have plenty of general math credits anyway from courses you will want to take, so you don't really need the credits.</p>
<p>18.03 is a required course. There is a specific set of problems you have to do and take with you before being allowed to take the test to get credit for it. They will be available some time this summer. They may or may not be the same problems in the p-sets for the OpenCourseWare version of the course. There is an independant study version of it that would be a good choice for someone who knows the subject but doesn't have the required p-sets to take the exam at orientation.</p>
<p>I'm guessing that a pretty high percentage of the people taking the 18.02 test pass it, compared to say, the chemistry test. Two years ago there was a little chart in The Tech shortly after school started showing how many freshmen took and how many passed the various exams. They probably did it last year too. You could look for it.</p>