Maximum Number of Credit Hours?

<p>Does anybody know the maximum number of credit hours that can be taken during the fall and spring? I know that the maximum is 9 for a 6 week summer session.</p>

<p>19 hours is the max during the fall/spring semesters.</p>

<p>How much are credits after 19 for both in and out of state students?</p>

<p>You can turn in a form to your college to request more credit hours. They won’t let you do it your first semester at tech (STUPID rule…some engineering president of something tried to tell me it would be too difficult) though</p>

<p>Why…would you want to take more than 19 let alone 19 in the first place? Leave some room to enjoy college. I’m all for loading up on credit hours just because it saves money but beyond 19 is insane if you are in engineering. If your not in a technical major its probably very doable though. what’s the rush?</p>

In high school it may seem like an ambitious yet achievable goal (I thought the same coming into college) but it’s nearly impossible to take more than 19 AND do well in those courses (in engineering). You may pass all your courses but to do well takes a lot of skill. The general rule of thumb for the average engineering student (note, I said average) for the amount of work a week required to do very well is to take how many credit hours and multiply It by 3. So if your taking 19, that’s 57 hours a week. If your taking 21, that’s 63 hours a week. Of course if it could be much less if you have a lot of fluff courses</p>