<p>I'm planning to take 19 or 20 credits..not sure yet.</p>
<p>I have an urge to take 21, but I’ll probably cut it to 18 so that I don’t die.</p>
<li>One 6-credit, one 4-credit, two 3-credit, one 1-credit.</li>
<p>17, I’m a little upset I can’t overload and take more.</p>
<p>Man you people are overachievers to the max! The most we are allowed to take is 18, and most people here take 14-16. I’m taking 15 this semester and that is the most I have ever taken too. (I’m still graduating on time, because I took 6-9 credits every summer as well)</p>
<li>The classes at my school are hard enough that I’m glad I don’t have to take more.</li>
<p>I’m taking 15 this semester, so once the spring is done, I’ll have 100 hours earned. </p>
<p>Fall 2006: 16 hours
Spring 2007: 16 hours
Fall 2007: 18 hours
Spring 2008: 17 hours
Fall 2008: 18 hours
Spring 2009: 15 hours
Summer 2009: 6 hours
Fall 2009: 13 hours
Spring 2010: 7 hours</p>
<p>I’m looking forward to having that extra time during my senior year to work/look for a full time job/study.</p>
<p>15…5 three credit classes, the standard at my school…</p>
<p>25, but three of those are during intersession, and 1 credit is an all-day, two-day weekend course. However, I’m also taking 4 credits worth work for no credit simply because our credit cap is 25.</p>
<p>So far, I’ve taken:
Fall 2006: 21 (5 P/F)
Spring 2007: 19 (5 P/F)
Summer 2007: 3
Fall 2007: 20
Spring 2008: 21
Summer 2008: 4 (but I haven’t bothered to transfer them over to my university yet, as I took them at another school)
Fall 2008: 21</p>
<p>Won’t you have a problem with no longer being classified as “full time”? This can have serious implications, such as the loss of health coverage.</p>
<p>how do credit hours work? at my school each class is one credit and labs are half a credit. I’m taking 5.5 this semester.</p>
<p>I’m taking 13 credits this semester…a little on the low side when it comes to credits.</p>
<p>Is it kind of the norm for people to take classes over the summer at some point? Is it possible to do everything at school and not burn out?</p>
<p>I was planning to take 7 courses and earn 19 credits, but given the two of them will be exponentially more demanding than anything I’ve ever had before, I’ve opted to cut it down to a 6 course, 16 credit option. At the moment though, I’m only officially registered for 13 cr, since I am awaiting final authorization for independent study course.</p>
<p>Of course, I also get 3 delayed AP credits issues at the end of the semester, so that’ll help. When all is said and done, I’ll have finished my sophomore year with 68 credits total.</p>
<p>16 credits.</p>
<p>And to tickytock14: at most schools, the number of credit hours is associated with how many hours you attend that class per week. For example, a class that meets on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for one hour each of those days would be a 3-credit class. However, “credit hours” often do not count hours spent in recitation.</p>
<p>I’ve got 16 credit hours this semester. One 1 credit hour class and five 3 credit hour classes.</p>
<p>AP credits going into college: 17
Fall 08: 15
Spring 09: 15
Summer 09: 19
Fall 09: 12 or 15, not sure
Spring 10: 15
Summer 10: 16
Fall 10: 14
Spring 11: 15
Fall 11: 15
Spring 12: 12
Total: 165-168
Major(s): Finance, Accounting, Economic Consulting, Public Policy
Minor(s): Economics</p>
<li>any more and id shoot myself</li>
<p>In that case, taking 20 :-</p>
AP credits going into college: 17
Fall 08: 15
Spring 09: 15
Summer 09: 19
Fall 09: 12 or 15, not sure
Spring 10: 15
Summer 10: 16
Fall 10: 14
Spring 11: 15
Fall 11: 15
Spring 12: 12
Total: 165-168
Major(s): Finance, Accounting, Economic Consulting, Public Policy
Minor(s): Economics
<p>You seriously have everything planned out that much as a Freshman? Really?</p>
<p>18 next semester, took 17 last semester, am taking three during our January term (January 5-23), taking four over summer. Since I came in with 21 AP credits, that means that I’ll have, oh, 63 by time I start in fall of '09.</p>