May '09 Scores Thread

<p>I did so bad… :(<br>

<p>can someone teach me how to read…?i really dont know how to read…and math ,i thought i got at least a 700 :frowning: how to get an 800?</p>

<p>i dont know my essay score ,i dont know if that was because of my MC or essay…</p>

<p>how do I find what I got on my essay?</p>

<p>I didn’t see a thread for this yet, so I’ll start:</p>


<p>2300 Combined</p>

<p>CR: 800
Math: 640
Writing: 690
10 on my essay</p>

<p>2130 total</p>

<p>oh i think a bunch of people posted their scores on the countdown thread(including myself) but i guess i will post mine again.</p>

<p>CR- 750
M- 800
W- 800 (essay 12)</p>

<p>i am so excited! an 800 on CR during the march test makes my superscore 2400 :D</p>


<p>edit: found my MC and essay scores, 59/80 and 8 respectively. I guess I could have used more big words.</p>

<p>I dunno what my essay mark was, it says that my May 2009 score report and essay will be available on May 30, 2009. Anyways, so i really need work on my language skills…how big of an increase can i expect in CR and W if I order the blue book and start doing stuff? I already memorized lots of vocab and roots/prefixes, and prepared essay examples; it is just the other stuff I have to work on…so maybe 650 or 700…hopefully?</p>

<p>Math - 750
CR - 720
W - 740

<p>Got a 2010 in december, so I’m soo happy right now.</p>

<p>Gaoez, how’d you find the MC and essay? I can’t find em.</p>

<p>the first post in [url=<a href=“]this[/url”>]this[/url</a>] has links that lead to your score.</p>

<p>I did that, but still no essay score.</p>

<p>Above the score, it says "Your May 2009 score report and essay will be available on May 30, 2009. "</p>

<p>whatever though, it’s trivial!</p>

<p>It was my first time taking it. Are my scores any good?</p>

<p>CR 700
M 570
W 710
essay: 8
mulitple choice: 74</p>

<p>composite: 1980</p>

<p>I know I’ll have to take it again to get my math score up a lot, and improve a bit on the other scores. </p>

<p>I’m not sure what colleges I’m applying to yet. I’m so unclear on what a good score actually is.</p>

<p>First time -</p>

<p>730 M
680 W (10 essay)
630 CR</p>

<p>2040 total</p>

<p>Will take again in October to get 700 CR</p>

<p>CR: 700
M: 800
W: 750</p>

<p>Composite: 2250
I wanted a 2250+, so this is awesome :D</p>

<p>Now I just have 3 practice tests in June and I’ll be done with Collegeboard Exams</p>

<p>But I can’t see my essay score or what my actual raw score was.
When I click “View my score report and essay” it says that it’ll be up May 30th…
Does this have something to do with me being an international student??</p>

<p>EDIT: Found it</p>

<p>Essay: 9 MC: 77</p>

<p>CR: 640
M: 590
W: 770 (Essay: 8, MC: 80)
2000 total</p>

<p>My math and reading both went down a lot, but my writing went up by 150 points.</p>

<p>CR: 750
M: 700
W: 690</p>

<p>Total, 2150</p>

<p>So, so, so happy. Did 150 better than PSAT predicted with no additional prep. Legit on my knees thanking God right now.</p>

<p>My scores:
CR: 800
M: 700
W: 710
Composite: 2210
I was hoping for higher scores in the math and writing sections, but then, it is my first SAT and I did take it without any prep. I think I’ll retake it in the fall.</p>

<p>CR 690
M 730
W 700
Essay 11</p>

<p>Improved from March 630/650/610/8</p>


<p>CR - 800
M - 670
W - 700 (11 essay)</p>

<p>when will they send us the QAS???</p>


<p>I really have to study…there is no way to get a 600+ on CR.
and can someone please teach me how to get an 800 on math.?</p>

<p>Math - 800
Reading - 800
Writing - 800
12 essay</p>

<p>And I thought my essay was crap… =]</p>