may score reports

<p>has anyone seen their score reports for the may sat early? i am really anxious to see mine.</p>

<p>my bad i just checked and they are up. the curve on math was pretty tough. in march i got 47 out of 54 and got a 690. in may i got 50 out of 54 and got a 720. with those raw points in march, i could have gotten at least 740 :( oh well!</p>

<p>how about you? any suprises? when do we recieve answer key (cuz i ordered it) in the mail?</p>

<p>Yes Im loving my 470 CR, 510 W and 670 M. 9 for the essay (5,4) ! Total of 1680.
I thought i'd get a 6/12 for essay hahahahaha. My handwriting is soooooo scrawly!!</p>

<p>This is such a low score that I don't really even give a crap. I'll just do better in october or something.
470 CR hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaha (that's in the 35th percentile. 26 wrong and 10 omiited)
90th percentile for maths - 7 wrong and 3 ommited</p>

<p>I must've broken the cc record of the lowest score</p>

<p>Well, I was pretty happy with my score. I got 2240: M 800 (no mistakes), CR 730 (6 wrong, 100 points improve since Jan with no extra vocab study), 710 Wr (4 wrong, 9/12 essay - just didn't really practice it).</p>

<p>I would be much more happier with 10 more points on the SATs to give me a 2100, but I got a 710 CR (6 wrong, 1 omitted), 730 math (4 wrong), 650 writing (59/80, 12 essay). I'm still mad at the crazy curve in writing. In March I got a 57/80 and a 9 essay and got a 590. This time I got +2 in MC and +3 essay and I only got 60 points higher... I'm kind of in the same category as you VerBore when referring to CR. I haven't studied vocab or done much prepping since January and I pulled it up from a 630 (old SAT), 610 (March) to a 710. As for math, I should have gotten at least a 760 if it was not for a couple of stupid mistakes (I forgot 5x11 was a multiple of 5); I really need and should prep for 800. I might retake for the sake of my math and writing, but I'm most scared of lowering my CR; I think -6 is the best I can do. What do you think?</p>

<p>yeah of cource, but why do you need to take that SAT 100 times, you've done it 3 times already? sth more, yes, I haven't studyied vocab, but I'm not from the US...</p>