please predict my January '09 score

<p>M: Left 3 blank, confirmed I got 1 mc and 1 grid-in wrong
CR: Felt pretty good, so probably 0-2 wrong
W: Also pretty good, probably 0-2, with 10-12 on the essay</p>

<p>For writing when I said 0-2 that was the potential #wrong.</p>

<p>M: 700
cr: 800
w: 760-800</p>

<p>Math: 730
CR: 800
Writing: 770</p>

<p>but then again, you can’t accurately grade yourself (at least i can’t)</p>

<p>can someone predict my score?
Math: skip 1, miss 1
Writing: miss 3, skip 1, 8-10 on the essay
CR: skip 4, miss 12</p>

<p>math : the curves are different ,but maybe 760 or 770 .
WR :8 on the essay and -3 +1 omited should be 720ish ,10 on the essay means 740 or 750
CR:Lol this is hard - 620-660</p>

<p>^i’d say 670-710 depending on the essay for W</p>

<p>I’ve put the math and reading curves from all the Jan/May/Oct SATs (along with Mar. '05) in [SAT</a> Released Test Curves (PDF file)](<a href=“]SAT”> No writing curves yet, sorry.</p>

<p>If anyone knows the (complete) curves for the Oct. '08 SAT please post, thnx!</p>

<p>Yeah in December I got -3 in Writing with only an 8 essay and only got 680. In October I got 800 with a 10 essay. So just a few questions can make a huge difference.</p>

<p>im planning to retake my SAT, what can I do to prepare for it in a quick way? ;since I have a short amount of time. I haven’t been very good on my math skills this year since I took a bunch of writing classes and even the simplest math problem confuses me…i have good grades and everything, but I’m worried about teh math portion.</p>

<p>^to prepare for math, use the grubers guide</p>

CR: 760
M: 700
W: 800</p>

CR: 600
M: 750
W: 720</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

Writing=0-4 Essay=10-12
Reading= 10-15
Calculate the score range plz</p>