May sat 2011

<p>why was it superflous? what was the question?? someone remember! lol</p>

<p>The superfluous/obstreperous one was about some kid whose youth could be mistaken for a negative trait, right? I think the another option was duplicitous or something… think I picked obstreperous. xP</p>

<p>for the highschool girl, was it exuberant celebration?</p>

<p>I put exuberant. That question sucked, there were practically no hints!! Just that she looked at people and “turned, flashing”. ***</p>

<p>did u guys get 3500 for one of the math problems and for number 16 with the volume of a cube direct relation of something did u guys get A^3/2 or A^2/3?</p>

<p>The whole ordeal was supposed to be happy wasn’t it? The concert? It wasn’t like they were starting a riot or anything.</p>

<p>And the fact she said “lifetimes” was a clue that it must have been somewhat of a good thing, hence celebration… that was my thought process.</p>

<p>Yes I got 3500 for one of the problems.
I also got 0 for one of the grid in problems… did anyone else get 0 for one of them?</p>

<p>oh my god
what was up with the coffee and beef problem?</p>

<p>Coffee costs twice as much as beef does, and she bought three times as much beef than coffee, and totally she spent 9.60! I left it blank… :/</p>

<p>… so much for not discussing the test questions. I’m not going to judge though.</p>

<p>@Konata ahhh that makes sense. Phew. I tried solving the coffee/beef problem with algebra then thought ‘ffff this’ and gridded in a random number… lol</p>

<p>yeah i got 0 and the weird thing was you couldn’t bubble in 0 for one of the columns sooo now i’m freaking out if i even wrote the answers correctly for the grid ins lol. like i started from the left on all of them and for the 0 one i just put it at the right end but man i hope 0 is right and the way i gridded in was right LOL.
and the answer i think was 3.84 for the coffee. something around/like that</p>

<p>it doesn’t matter where u start left /right and yeah 0was one of it</p>

<p>CR passage about cave paintings, would the critics described in passage 2 be delighted? or sympathetic? I said delighted someone second it. I hope its right</p>

<p>Guess as to how that went:</p>

<p>Essay - 11 or 12 (absolutely nailed it)</p>

<p>Math: 700+ (only two multi/two fill in)</p>

<p>Writing: 690 - 720? (depends on experimental)</p>

<p>Reading: 660 - 700? (some questions I was 50/50)</p>

<p>2000 - 2120? Would love 2100. Last time: 2050 (660, 700, 690)</p>

<p>i put sympathetic ahh which one was right??</p>

<p>10 hours to get to the city, where the test center was.
1 hour, same day, to find the test center.
5 minutes of conversation with security near the back entrance.
1 minute of conversation with a guy in front.
1 tasty pizza.
7 hours of sleep.
1 hour of waiting
1 India guy scared with simple 'How you doing? ', maybe because we were both peeing.
10 sections.
2 steps before jumping in the car.
8 hours to get back home, 1 sandwich eaten.</p>

<p>All of that to hope for 2000. PAWEL WISH YOU BEST GUYS :)</p>

<p>for that math grid in question that you guys were talking about earlier, im pretty sure it was 385. it said consecutive prime numbers, im pretty sure. so then that would make it 5, 7 and 11…capiesh? or are we in disagreement?</p>

<p>the “grand theory” and the art critics seemed to be very similar, so wouldn’t they be delighted? sympathetic would still be possible thou</p>

<p>sympathetic because the first sentence says that they couldnt figure out exactly what it meant and since passage two agrees that it has meaning thy wouldn’t be delighted that they didn’t figure it out fully yet</p>

<p>“The Great Migration coming home”… was it that they belonged or they could start a new lifestyle??</p>

<p>Math sucked. I don’t know how I did on anything.</p>

<p>On the coffee/beef (weird combo…) I got so frustrated so I guessed and checked the last two minutes and finally got it. yeeee</p>

<p>Is it possible that the experimental math was the 20-minute one?</p>

<p>did it say consecutive? I heard someone say they got 165, as I did.</p>