MBA After West Point?

<p>I was wondering if it was likely to get into a good program after attending west point. I know that work experience is a big factor in admission, would you be able to go to W.P., serve for the U.S.A., then hop into Buis. School and excel on wall street? Does anyone know of any people who have done this? Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>There are many West Point grads who go to the top B-schools (in addition to grads from the other academies).</p>

<p>In fact, consulting the database of Harvard Business School, I get the total number of MBA alumni who went to the following undergrad programs. What is even more impressive is that the academies can have such a large number of HBS alumni despite not having lots of students. For example, Army and Navy are almost as well represented as Berkeley and Michigan despite being clearly dwarfed in terms of total undergrad population. </p>

<pre><code> Harvard University (3257)
Yale University (1485)
Princeton University (1301)
Stanford University (1200)
Mass. Inst. of Tech. (995)
Penn., University of (884)
Dartmouth College (771)
Cornell University (743)
Brown University (732)
Calif, U of,Berkeley (546)
Mich, U of,Ann Arbor (466)
U.S. Naval Academy (439)
U.S. Military Academy (438)
Duke University (429)
Williams College (423)

<p>Having said that, I don’t know if it’s “likely” to get into a top B-school after West Point and a military career, for the word “likely” implies a greater than 50% chance. You still have to perform well in undergrad and, more importantly, in your military career, and even so, getting into a top B-school is a crapshoot for anyone. But certainly there is no disadvantage in West Point.</p>

<p>I know that a good number of West Point grads end up at the Harvard’s business school for their MBAs–but they were/are still in the service. That is all I know as I am not affiliated with either institution.</p>

<p>thanks a lot for the info so far guys its really helpful.</p>

<p>I thought I had posted in this thread. There are a lot of military veterans in MBA schools. The military prepares you with invaluable leadership skills. You will be fine.</p>

<p>what about columbia & chicago?</p>


As an OCS candidate for the Army National Guard, here’s my 2 cents…
The military will prepare you with the necessary leadership skills. However, you will lack the experience of the traditional corporate culture. This is not necessarily a problem. But from what I heard top MBA programs expect you to be an exceptional officer. That means that you’ve have very successful command and staff positions as a company-level officer. An average-performing officer from WP may not make it to a top MBA program over a average ROTC-commissioned officer that performs above his/her peers.</p>

<p>My dad went to Duke on a ROTC scholarship (didn’t do very well) , served in the Navy for 5 years, and ended up at Columbia Business School after he got out.</p>