MBA questions please

<p>Few questions...</p>

<p>When is a good time to take GMATS? i hear the scores expire in 5 years? I'm a senior in college now, should i take it now? </p>

<p>Is a MBA from a no-name school ( Seattle University, Washington State etc ) any use at all? I plan on working at a big company, but my transcript is ugly. I have several D's, F's, W's, and most of my core classes in engineering i do bad in. My GPA is 2.7. I plan on getting a 700 or so on my GMATs. </p>

<p>My job will be an entry level engineer, nothing too special. So i don't know if i can get into a good MBA program. I don't have too much to make me stand out. Is Univ of Washington mba out of reach??</p>

<p>When are you planning on applying to biz school? That will make a difference. And just out of curiosity, if you are having so much trouble in school, how do you plan on a 700+ GMAT score?</p>

<p>While you were "planning" on getting that 700 GMAT, why didn't you plan to get a good GPA at the same time?</p>