McDermott Scholars vs. AES

Thanks so much for your reply. I have some more questions that I would like to PM you soon.

Is it worth it to turn down McDermott and pay out of pocket for Harvard? One kid from our extended family did that. He was leaning towards Harvard but left decision in his parents hands as he was okay with both options.

His parents weighed both options and although it would make money tight for them, they felt that it’s still UTD and if you take out money from the equation, there is little benefit in turning down an Ivy for a low ranking and overcrowded state school.

I doubt that I’ll be able to make that decision easily though our financial circumstances are pretty much identical.

McDermott blows Harvard away. Those kids get to travel all the time. Then they get money to spend a year abroad. They’re introduced to lots of high profile people. They’re like king of this little “low ranking and overcrowded state school.” Kids from both places have high chances of success, McDermott just seems more fun.

Aw… screw it. Go to Harvard and let us little people have our low ranking and overcrowded state school.

Their logic was that not only Harvard has better faculty and peers but from prestige point, Harvard is well known and well respected. You don’t get similar standards at UTD and you have to give a long explanation to everyone that you indeed got into Harvard but picked a mediocre state school because 99.9% people wouldn’t know about McDermott scholarship.

I don’t agree but I can see why one would do that if money isn’t a huge concern.

I have also known students who have turned down Ivies, including Harvard, to go to UTD as well as other state schools and it was not just a money issue. Money was a part of the decision but not the only reason. They were looking long term at the major, at the additional expense of graduate schools/med schools, at where their child wanted to be after graduation and what opportunities UTD gives to them.

If you are lucky enough to be chosen for the McDermott scholarship but the only reason you would accept is the money, please don’t. If you are in that situation, I’m sure there are many schools that given you great scholarships, accept another offer. The McDermott scholars are the ambassadors of the school and they need to represent the school in a positive manner. They owe that to the school and to the other students who have tremendous pride in the school.

New story about 2 McDermotts.