Me Vs. Dec Sat: Whos With Me

<p>Express your thoughts. Personally, I feel underprepared. I prepared all summer and sophhomore year (I'm a junior), but I feel like i've lost it. I had a 2080 or so. I am going for 2100-2200. Let's go baby!</p>

<p>SAT-urday marks my day of doom</p>

<p>I've only just found this miraculous site and start to feel the jitterbugs, my bad my bad, but to boost my testimonial have been involved in so many out of school commitments..</p>

<p>well good luck to you!
my scores in CR are plunging with every new tip i read on some site, awful reverse psychology i'm living through!</p>

<p>Hmm...i had 2020 last time...hoping to boost it to 2200 =P
I'm only going to do a few past papers on friday afternoon =P
Considering the last time I took it was the first time I saw a SAT paper =P, and I only handed in the introduction of my essay...yeah =P</p>

<p>LET'S KILL THIS TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>I'm shooting for a 2400. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LET'S DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>...not that I'd actually GET that score, but I can aim for it can't I?</p>

<p>LET OWN SAT!!! <em>joins hands</em> :)</p>

<p>yo ....</p>

<p>wait saturday we are coming.....</p>

<p>lets have a complete turnaroud</p>

<p>DOWN WITH SATS I HATE THIS TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>Let's pummel it. Show it how pathetic it is. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!</p>

<p>BTW anyone else really really REALLY scared????</p>

<p>PSH I'M AIMING FOR A 2600 ! LOLLLL but seriously whatever taking it without worries is seriously the best way to go cause its 3 mof***ing hours excuse me. but yeah i think as you sit longer your butt will slowly get sore and you will forget all your worries and really concentrate =D good luck !</p>

<p>Good Luck to you all!
Me VS. Dec SAT I guess I know who the winner will be :)</p>

<p>what did you guys get!!!</p>

<p>i got 2310..... first sitting!
my mom said: Tell me only if its good! I dont want to hear bad news, goodnight!</p>

<p>So I told her and she's taking me out for dinner tmw.. hahaha is that too dramatic??</p>

<p>I got 2380!!!!!!!! (first time)</p>

<p>no more SAT's EVER!!!!!</p>

<p>protege, how'd ya do?</p>