Meal Plan

<p>what meal plan are you getting and why?
whats collegetown debit? $800 for 10 meals and $750 BRB.... why so cheap?</p>

<p>until when do we have time to sign up for a meal plan?
when is the deadline?</p>

<p>why do you say the collegetown plan is cheap?</p>

<p>where are you living? do you plan to eat dinner on campus?</p>

<p>hasbrouck........ i hear you make friends easy like that
i shouldnt get one?</p>

<p>1) get on either the 10 or 14 meals a week with 500 BRB plan
2) the collegetown debit is only for people living off campus or in a fraternity/sorority
3) there is no deadline to sign up for the meal plan. cornell wants your money so they will never prevent you from signing up.</p>

<p>Collegetown debit is 10 meals for the entire semester; the other meal plans are 7/10/14 meals per week. Since you're living up North and close to dining halls, get one of the more regular meal plans (Bear Basic/Choice/Traditional)</p>

<p>what are you guys getting?
is 10 enough?</p>

<p>10 is a good amount. You can eat dinner each night in a dining hall, and have saturday and sunday brunch, and have one lunch a week in the dining halls. For the rest of your lunches you will probably want to eat at trillium or statler, where you'll use BRB's and not dining hall meals.</p>


<p>yep, i do not recommend going higher than 10 meals because you also have $500BRBs which you can definitely use if you:</p>

<p>1) go to a la carte places like Bear nasties, trillium, ivy room, and statler, etc
2) when you go over your 10 meals a week, they will start charging your $500BRB for meals you go over, but if you got the 14meal plan and you only went to the dining halls 12 times that week, you lose 2 meals.
3) you can always add BRBs, but again they will not give you back the lost meals. plus, any BRBs you have left over from fall will transfer to spring. In my opinion, if you have a lot of BRBs to transfer to spring, I would go down to 7meals if I had 10 in the fall since I have more BRBs to work with in spring.</p>

<p>edit: okay, I just looked at the prices, and it looks like it's about $275 more from 7 meals to 10 meals, and $140 more from 10 meals to 14 meals. My suggestions would be to go with the 10 meals for about 2 weeks, and see how your eating patterns are. if you are going to the dining halls a lot, upgrade it to 14 meals. if you find yourself only eating 10-11 meals each week in a dining hall, stay with the 10 meals. also, if you could (not sure if you could any longer) since dinner usually costs more than lunch, and I knew that I would be going over my 10 meals, I would ask them to BRB my lunch and let them use my meals for dinner, that way I would get the best deal.</p>

<p>In my opinion, 10meals and $500 BRBs is perfect. However, I would do 14meals and $500 BRBs for the first two weeks to see how that works out and if it is too much then switch to 10.</p>

<p>yeah, i am doing bear traditional</p>

<p>wouldnt it be better for hasbrouck students to get the cheapest meal plan (7)?
Since they would have a kitchen and can possibly cook themselves...
just a thought...</p>

<p>There is a kitchen in every dorm.</p>

<p>this kitchen is in ur ROOM</p>

<p>"wouldnt it be better for hasbrouck students to get the cheapest meal plan (7)? Since they would have a kitchen and can possibly cook themselves...
just a thought..."</p>

<p>It depends on how often you think you want to eat in the dining halls.</p>

<p>Eat like a king while you still Make every meal for yourself when ur a poor grad student or upper classman who is sick of campus food. lol I def didn't cook very much my freshman year at my other school.</p>