How hard would it be to major in both of these. I looked at both of the classes they take and they look very similar. I’ve heard that majoring in petroleum engineering is a very narrow field and mechanical can lead into petroleum but if i did both wouldn’t that be better?
Sure, if you want a greater chance of being unemployed. …
In all seriousness- Petroleum Engineering is an area that does not need any more engineersin the next 10 years- thousands of experienced engineers have and are being laid off as we speak. They will be the first ones rehired IF the price of oil doubles and more wells can then be reopened.
Pick another area of engineering if you want to have a chance of getting a job after college.
Sorry for the tough love, but this is a field that is in chaos right now and NO one is predicting higher oil prices in the foreseeable future.
lol. Thanks
hey, I just wanted to clarify that what I meant is that i could go into Petroleum and work for 10 years and if i get laid off, i could go into mechanical with no problem because i would have a BS in it…