
<p>Whats harder to get into law school or med school. I know that the two are incommensurable, but humor me!</p>

<p>It basically depends on what level of medical/law schools that you are comparing. Obviously the best (ivy leagues) will be the most difficult. I’m not too familiar with law schools since I have only looked into them for a few months, but as far as I am aware they are both EQUALLY difficult to get into. </p>

<p>i.e. Harvard Law vs. John Hopkins. Both are known for having one of THE BEST programmes in their fields. Equally as difficult to get into. Colleges from both fields weight different aspects of the application differently, as well. From what I have heard, law school admissions officers take essays much more seriously than med school because self-advocation is such a crucial part of being a succesful lawyer.</p>

<p>If you are considering both of the fields, I would suggest picking the one that best suits your interests, talents, and above all, passion. Follow what you love, and the money will follow! </p>

<p>I was originally considering law but I spoke with a few lawyers/shadowed them and realised that it wasn’t as appealing a career as I thought. I then shadowed a doctor and found it much more compatible with what I was looking for in a career. I would suggest that you do the same…</p>

<p>I know I didn’t quite answer your question fully, but this is as much as I know. I wish you best of luck!</p>

<p>Unless you’re talking about the top 3 law schools (Harvard, Yale, and Stanford), med school is harder to get into, by a large margin. Look at acceptance rates, avg. college GPA’s, factors considered for admission (LSAT vs. MCAT/GPA/essay/interview/EC’s/recs), and the ease of application (the med school application process takes about a year with mandatory in-person interviews; you can get your law school decision back within weeks of application).</p>