Media studies/Psychology crisis?!

<p>Hi, I want to double major in psych and media studies, but my parents don't think that's a good idea. Does anyone think that given this economy that I can be successful with this double major? What careers could I go into with this? Any feedback would be great!</p>

<p>Do you go to Cal?</p>

<p>This is what I’m doing. I’m going into my junior year in college with a double major in Psychology and Communication studies. (Though, if I end up going to UCSD, it’ll be Communication with Philosophy.)</p>

<p>I think both those majors are really broad, and it gives you a lot of options. That was my thinking, at least. Double majors can only help. I can’t imagine an employer saying, “Um, dude, sorry, but you have too many degrees.” </p>

<p>Either way, just stay competitive in any way you can. </p>

<p>[Carlos</a> Sandoval’s Student Blog](<a href=“]Carlos”>MiraCosta College | 404)</p>