Media Studies UIUC

<p>Hello People!!
Since I graduated from highschool and am involved in the whole admission thing I have visited this site religiously.
I applied to Media Studies at the University of Illiinois at Urbana Champaign and I would like to know how hard do you think it is to be admitted.
I know there are myriad threads about UIUC but all about business and engineering and physics.
Media Studies at UIUC was personally recommended by an outstanding person in the field (try to guess who) and since I am early admission (December 12) I am starting to go so anxious I'm having trouble sleeping and thinking about other things, so I have resorted to opening an account and asking this cliche question. I had no choice.</p>

<p>Please any UIUC media studies student who answers will forever cure my developing anxiety narcolepsia or for that matter any media studies student.</p>

<p>As a bonus I would like to hear suggestions, recommendations and stories from people who got DENY, appealed and got ADMIT. Just in case I am ready to write that letter.</p>

<p>Please please please.

<p>You can ask for something in return, I am desperate. Merci Beaucoup.</p>

<p>Is that in the communications school? Because if it it I do know that getting into the communications is pretty difficult. It isn’t as hard as business or engineering, but it’s definitely harder than LAS, ACES, or FAA…</p>

<p>If you get deferred I wouldn’t worry about it TOO much. It will be really annoying and all, but what will probably happen in feb. is you’ll either be admitted to the communications school or you’ll be deferred over to general studies. If by chance you get waitlisted, I know that for everyone who was waitlisted in LAS last year was eventually admitted in May…</p>

<p>Thank you. I will find out tomorrow!! at 5pm. Today and tomorrow are horrible!</p>

<p>Yes my application says<br>
Admission Term: Fall 2009 - Urbana-Champaign
Admission Type: Priority Admission
Level: Undergrad - Urbana-Champaign
Program: BS:Media Studies -UIUC
Catalog Term: Fall 2009 - Urbana-Champaign
College: College of Media
Campus: Urbana-Champaign
Major and Department: Media Studies, Inst of Communications Rsch </p>

<p>So yes I think then that it is Institute of Communications.</p>

<p>I cannot even focus on my reading or sports or anything. Thank you for answering.</p>

<p>I remember I was freaking out last year sooo much around this time too. It sucks how they tell everyone at 5 on friday. It was the same thing last year. I hated it. But try not to worry too much! Because that’s what I did, and really it only makes things worse. REALLY. Good luck!!! A little more than 24 hours!</p>

<p>Hello ROSN !!! I should have updated sooner but last night I was in a complete state of celebration.</p>


<p>Not waitlisted or denied ADMIT!!</p>

<p>I am happy as the happiest person being their happiest can be! haha.</p>

<p>Do you mind me asking your stats?</p>

<p>Well regarding my GPA, class ranks, etc: I did not have standard ones because I am international but I did have grades and they were mostly A’s, 2B’s.
My toefl score is 617.
My SAT was 590 math, 660 critical reading, 610 writing.</p>

<p>My essays were I believe a huge part, they had great arguments, very originall and had correct prose.</p>

<p>They only require two essays and give a space so you can describe any hardships so in this part I submitted a personal statement.</p>

<p>My extracurriculars and volunteering were yearbook, drama club, greenpeace, film club, teaching English in a rural comunity, ONU model and I have never worked.</p>

<p>If you have any questions please let me know!</p>


<p>I’m so excited for you! See you next year!! I’m actually taking a class in the media studies dept. right now, and it’s pretty much my favorite class ever. COMM 166- all about how advertising affects the media and different biases and all that. Try and take it next year! See you down here if this is where you decide to come and congrats again!!!</p>