<p>I am strongly considering a career in the medical lab field. I think it would suit my personality (I'm not so much a people person) and interests (I love lab work!). I was just curious if anyone reading this board has any information regarding this profession. </p>
<p>I realize that I might not ever strike it rich with this career, but I don't care. I think I would be happy in it. I'd like to work in the medical field, and may even consider going back to school to get a master's in microbiology. I am about to finish up my freshman year, so I need to make a decision soon so I can apply to the program. </p>
<p>How are your manual skills? Are you fast moving and accurate?</p>
<p>If you don’t have speed and pretty good manual dexterity, re-think this interest. </p>
<p>I should know, I finished up a lab tech training program but am slow and not particularly dexterous. I loved urinalysis and bacteriology, but I switched into teaching because I just don’t have the manual skills.</p>
<p>I am pretty good working with my hands. I’m also pretty fast, so I guess I don’t have to worry much about that part. </p>
<p>How big are the MLS classes, generally speaking? Is it hard to get accepted into the program? I know they only take 20 or so students; is there ever a waiting list? Is this a popular major?</p>