<p>I applied to 4 academies and have gotten into 2 now but am extremely dssapointed to find out I was disqualified for being allergic to bees. I am in the process of trying to get a waiver but it is proving very difficult. I am starting this program that will cure me of my allergy by the time I’m a 2nd year. Also, I have been stung 6 times and it is only the last time I had a severe reaction but treated it fine with benadryl My doctor prescribed an epipen just in case I have another more severe episode.
Is it possible to get temporary waiver if I can prove my allergy will be cured in 3 years?
Will they give me a waiver if I submit documentation that it does not affect my breathing and the epipen is just a precaution?</p>
<p>I recommend you go to serviceacademyforums.com and post this in the DODMERB forum. There are several people there that can help you out.</p>
<p>Thanks for the tip</p>
<p>Sorry to hear your story…kind of makes you think twice about even going to the doctor!</p>