Hi Everyone! I got in Johns Hopkins and Carnegie Mellon! I am really grateful and so happy! However, I am so scared. I have two options: premed (maybe neuroscience) (at Hopkins) or engineering (maybe biomedical) (at Carnegie Mellon). I don’t know what should I do with my life and I don’t know how to decide. I have been running away from this decision for a long time but I have to decide.
- I love math and all the sciences. I can do well at any STEM subject if I work hard enough.
- I want to help people but I have never pictured myself working in a hospital.
- I am not a hands-on person. At all. But I like programming.
- I can't major in Biomedical Engineering at Hopkins or Electrical and Computer engineering at Carnegie (they are specific programs at each college that I didn't get in)
HOW CAN I DECIDE? Please. Help. Me.