Mediocre ACT score

<p>I just recently took the act in april and i recieved a composite of 24(23 English and Reading, 25 Science, 26 math). I am taking it again in June. What books should i turn to to bump me up to atleast a 27. I know there are many ACT prep books but which ones would you recommend for a fairly short period of time?</p>

<p>All responses are appreciated,</p>

<p>Princeton Review and the Real ACT Prep Book.</p>

<p>Spotlight on the ACT (Barnes and Noble, I think it’s by Kaplan) - it’s a small paperback book. My kid went from 28 to 31; didn’t have a lot of time to dedicate to studying and this book was great.</p>

<p>Real ACT Prep Book is definitely a good source. Buy it and take the practice exams, familiarize yourself with the content and develop a strategy to finishing all problems with confidence.</p>

<p>My score was a 25 (22 E, 24 R, 28 M, 24 S) and the thing to look out for is if you want to improve just the low scroes or improve in every category overall. I definitly go overall and try to focus to improving your math and science.</p>

<p>Remember, science is just mostly data and graphs (except for the 1 reading part) so try to practice skipping to the Q’s and interpreting data quickly to save yourself time</p>

<p>For the reading, the trick is not to remember what u read, but where the palce is in the story. So when you go back to refer to the reading, remember where in the story it it correspond 2.</p>

<p>Finally, english is english, just takes recognition and good reading skills and for the math, just know general algebra, geometry, and trigonometry and ull be fine. If ur a calculus student or somewhere close to it like precalculus, it will help you gain a edge with fresh material so be aware of that.</p>

<p>My best suggestion (I give this advice to everyone, just because it helped me so much):</p>

<p>Get The Princeton Review: Cracking the ACT. Read it and practice out of it. It works SO well.</p>