Meeting with counselor

<p>Today I had my meeting with my counselor and parents. It was a 90 minute meeting where she went over my list and gave me feedback and such. I presented my list of schools. First off I live in CA go to a private catholic school, 99% of grads go to college. Its a good school with really smart kids. Im not one of those uber smart kids keep that in mind lol. I want to major in IR and my list of colleges where: Safeties- Cal state: SF, SD, SJ
Matches- University of Washington
Goucher College
University of Toronto
George Mason University
University of the pacific
Depaul University
Reaches- UC Davis, Irvine
American University
She went over my schools and was impressed because of how different all the schools were. Background info of my school is that like most of the grauating class goes to a UC school. I dont want to go to a UC for various reasons. I dont actually think i can get into them lol and they honestly just dont appeal. My UC GPA is about a 3.3. Additional information ... im hispanic from low socioecon background.Overall she was like really pumping University of Toronto because she recently came back from a canadian school seminar and was really impressed. She was very suprised anyone from my school would leave sunny California for Canada. The other school she plugged was UoP and U of W. The schools at this point that most appeal are University of Washington, Depaul, and University of Toronto. I actually dont know much about Depaul but it just appeals to me. I also like University of Torontos like joint major thing its IR/peace conflict resolution. What it'd like from you readers is feedback on my meeting and any suggestions or added schools are soooo welcome please!!! Sorry for the disorganization of this...</p>

<p>You are like my D, no WAY does she want to do California schools, just doesn't want to go to a UC or State school with a bunch of California kids, she wants' east coast, as a matter of fact, tonight the school is having a meeting with some UCs - dicussing schools, forms, etc., my D was, like no way</p>

<p>That being said, we toyed with the idea of schools in Ireland and Scotland...the Canadian school sounds great., what are your questions, exactly</p>

<p>BTW, 90 minutes is a good meeting, count your blessings!!</p>