Meeting With Regional Admissions Officer Advice

I am going to visit a school and they don’t offer on campus interviews, but I want to introduce myself to my regional admissions officer just to put a face to my application (just for the slight chance they’ll remember me when looking at my app). I love the school and basically know everything about it, but I need advice for some questions to ask. I know I shouldn’t ask questions I could easily find online. I’m also doing a tour and information session so would that even make sense? I’m sure some people on here have done this. Any advice as to what to say/ask/should I even do this?

PS: It’s a small highly selective school that tracks interest.

I’ve done interviews both on and off campus so I’m used to those, but they don’t offer on campus interviews, so this wouldn’t be an interview

After the tour and the info session, ask if you can meet the admissions officer responsible for your region. If that can be arranged, be polite, mention anything interesting from the tour, ask anything particular related to your region that has come into your thoughts during the tour, express your pleasure at being able to meet her/him in person.

Do you have a particular interest? You can relate a question to that. Or go on a tour, find something that speaks to you (the widget department, the student friendliness, the beautiful library) and compliment that, as long as it’s genuine. They’ll know if it’s not. You can also poke around on the college’s website and see if it spurs any more questions.