Merced Shared Experience students assemble!

<p>Lol, well im thinking about accepting the UCLA/Merced or Cal/Merced program (grits teeth for a year). Anyone else going to Merced on the shared experience program?</p>

<p>bump (10 char)</p>

<p>my friend will be attending the merced/UCI program. He seemed a bit distraught by it , but i told him its what he makes of it really.</p>

<p>I'll be on the UCLA/merced program, see you there :P</p>

<p>how do you know if you were accpeted for any shared program?</p>

<p>collegekid21: Why not go to UCSD? Waste a year at Merced when you could get an awesome education at UCSD? You appealed without actually wanting to go if accepted, haha.</p>

<p>lol, how true. If UCSD accepts my appeal I will be running there within the hour x_x. But if I am part of the ~87% who gets rejected again I'll be at Merced</p>

<p>Ohhh, I read that you were accepted through your appeal.</p>

<p>that was collegekid2007 x_x</p>

<p>Yeah sorry about the mixup, well, I'm sending good thoughts your way, hopefully you'll get in as well :). Did you appeal to UCLA as well?</p>

<p>yeah, appealed to ucla, cal and ucsd O_O I think my appeal's was pretty strong, but who knows with these things =/ I like to think I was on the boarder of getting into UCLA/CAL b/c they offered me the merced thing, but who knows :x Where did you appeal to/did you get into UCSD?</p>

<p>I got rejected from UCSD and UCLA, and I appealed to UCLA. I live in San Diego and don't really want to go to UCSD, and UCLA has always been where I've wanted to attend. If my appeal gets rejected (most likely) I'll go to CC so I can possibly transfer there. </p>

<p>In hindsight I probably should've appealed to UCSD for the heck of it, but oh well. Still waiting on LA's decision. </p>

<p>Did you include any letters of recommendation?</p>

<p>I included one letter =/ Would have had two but school was on spring break and even getting that one was hard. But I included a ton of new information in my total it was 11 pages long (documentation accounted for most of it tho :-p). I also live in San Diego, and personally dont want to go to UCSD for the same reasons as you.
Did you have any letters/how was ur appeal (pm me if you like)</p>

<p>I did manage to get two, however one was much better than the other :) My letter was pretty brief, I simply listed omitted information and attached documentation/transcript. I didn't explain the new information very much because I didn't think trying to "convince" them would help, I thought the letters of recommendation were my strongest appealing evidence. I wanted to talk about how moving during high school affected my grades, but my dad said that I should just mention it without going into that much detail because I would sound "whiny", who knows which would've been better. I'm not counting on getting in, because the rate of reversal is just way too low to get my hopes up.</p>

<p>11 pages though? That's quite a bit, did your new information pertain to your 10-11th grade years, or new after the application was submitted? Did you explain everything in detail?</p>

<p>Yeah, everything was about 10-11th grade (good thing too :-p) Most of my documentation was medical records and court records tho, those can be quite lengthy. Yeah I know what you mean rate of reversal=like 5% I hear/</p>

<p>Can someone please answer my question?</p>

<p>Your rejection letter should state it.</p>

<p>jondoe, slight correction -- the letter and on-line notification you receive from the UC you applied to will be one of three letters: (1) acceptance (congratulations, we are pleased to offer you admission. . .); (2) rejection (we have carefully reviewed your application . . . sorry); or (3) we are pleased to offer you admission to our Merced/(name of UC) shared experience program.</p>

<p>So, the shared experience opportunity is not a rejection, but an offer into this program, and will say so on the letter/on-line notification. </p>

<p>Hope that helps.</p>

<p>that's actually kind of interesting and a bit unexpected. I think that if you were a borderline applicant for some of the campuses, you got this weird (really interesting) type of deal. i would take advantage of the opportunity that these campuses are offering.</p>