Merit Aid?

<p>My family did not qualify for any need-based aid from WashU. I've seen some people saying that they are receiving combo-merit/need financial assistance. Aside from the named scholarships (I applied for Danforth and Fitzgibbon) is it possible to receive separate merit-only aid? If so, were these students already notified or yet to be? Thanks.</p>

<p>All of the merit only, with the exception of the Danforth, are listed on the WashU website. [Scholarship</a> Programs At-A-Glance](<a href=“]Scholarship”>
All others, even the “merit” ones, include an element of “need”.</p>

<p>oh that stinks… thanks ST2</p>

<p>Even if you didn’t officially “qualify” for need-based aid, you would probably do well to put a call in to the Student Financial Services office (that’s the financial aid people). If paying your tuition really is going to be a problem, they may be able to help. I had a similar problem when I applied, as the original FA package offered wasn’t going to be enough for me to afford a WU education, so they adjusted my package.</p>

<p>And if they can’t change your aid package, I’m sure they could set you on the right track by pointing you toward some outside merit scholarships that have helped WashU students with similar interests.</p>