Merit Scholarships at K-State

DD has great stats: 36 ACT, National Merit Semi Finalist, Leadership, 3.98 unweighted grade point, filled out all the scholarship apps, but only $5000 - not even tuition. Received $12,000 from KU - by just applying to KU. Going into Engineering, taken all the hard classes, has extra-curriculum activities. Anyone know of a path in Jan 2019 for K-State to meet KU award? (Not going to get need-based aid as FAFSA info a couple of years old, but main wage earner is retirement age and just retired - so finances not good for paying all for college.)

I would call them to be sure but the automatic for IS is $5,000 per year. For the supplemental scholarships the applications aren’t even due until March 1 so those won’t be awarded for a while yet. For the general merit scholarships the application deadline was Nov. 1 so as long as you applied by them you should receive one.

In state is $5,000/year automatic.

The Presidential scholarship is what you should be aiming at and with those stats should be a good candidate for. It is 20,000 a year. Those have not been released yet but they only give 2 a year.

Distinguished University Scholar award is another good one that is competitive and is $7,500 per year. Make sure you have applied for these

College and departmental award come late.

Look at this link for details

Wow great work by your DD @FromShawnee !! You must be very proud. If you don’t mind, where are you at with them now, and what has the process and your experience been like?
Though we’ve not yet applied, we’ve visited on Jr. Day and sent them our son’s (HS class '20) numbers (30, 3.9). Though our scores aren’t super stellar, we feel like they might warrant some attention from the school who’s goal is to turn around declining enrollment and recruit more OOS. We’ve heard nothing from them. We’re on their mailing list. We get more mail from every other school in the US, but from them, where my son is naturally inclined cuz Mom is alum, we get no love.

We want to attend, but I need them to help sell it and they just aren’t. Is it different after you’re admitted? How does one get on the radar? Thx.