Merit Scholarships

Does anyone know of any other merit scholarships that are still accepting applications? I’ve applied to so many and have gotten none so I’ve kind of reached an impasse.


It appears that you’re going to Yale. If you get any outside aid (scholarships), then Yale will likely reduce their aid. It appears that you’re trying to cover some of the “family contribution”. Outside merit won’t help you with that.

You need to find a summer job to help cover any shortfalls.

@mom2collegekids I realize this, however if you receive outside scholarships at this point then they can be put towards student contribution. I have a summer job to try to cover the cost of the student contribution but it would be nice to not have to work as often as I currently do, so I’m looking for scholarships. See the “Merit-based scholarships” and “How merit scholarships affect the financial aid awards” sections.

Also I’m not sure of this, but I heard that if you don’t report the scholarships then your aid won’t be reduced. I’m not sure if that’s being manipulative, though.

Most scholarships are paid directly to the school so you don’t have an option to ‘not report it’ don’t forget you have to pay taxes on scholarships that go beyond tuition, books and certain fees

Not reporting outside scholarships would be a bad thing to do.

@3scoutsmom Thanks! And I’m mainly looking at like $1000 scholarships or just small scholarships to lower the cost of the student effort contribution. @BelknapPoint Yeah, I agree. People were telling me that you had to report them when you applied so I was confused because what if you got them afterwards?

Report them after you get them. Adjustments will be made.

What’s your major? Ethnic background? Most worthwhile outside scholarships have such specific criteria. I can’t think of any still accepting applications, but it might be a good idea to build a list for next cycle.

@BelknapPoint Adjustments with the initial financial aid package? Because the website says that the student contribution will be adjusted.

@Lilliana330 African American and hopefully Cognitive Science on the pre-med track. I just wasn’t sure if there were as many college scholarships so I wanted to try to apply as many as I could while I’m still in high school.

There aren’t nearly as many scholarships open to college students, but the time to apply as a high school senior has passed.