Miami Class of 2017

<p>Thank you. I will keep that in mind.</p>

<p>Paid deposit!! Go canes!!!</p>

<p>We took care of things this weekend as well. Now the hard part…getting ready!</p>

<p>Does anybody know of a resource whee I could put my son in touch with a current UM student…just to give him some insights on what to expect? I think that kind of thing is available at sites like *****, but I am wondering if there are any UM resources that he could take advantage of…</p>

<p>I think first get on the Miami Class of 2017 page. Let’s get that page going. I’ve also seen that they have pages available for each school, maybe that will help. I’ve heard from friends (and niece) that they do a great job at easing you into college life. Maybe it is time for a new treat : Ask a UM student!!</p>





<p>@ddahwan - oh boy… I’m sure seekinguni did NOT mean to imply that your son would not make any friends if he is not living on campus. He might have had just as great a year off campus as he’s had on - but there’s no way to go back in time and split him in two to make it a good experiment : ) </p>

<p>Anyway, during orientation, one of the highlights held each year is Cane Kickoff which take place in Bank United Center. We were there last year and it is not to be missed! The whole stadium is filled with students, faculty, and admins. Different groups perform - there were several dance numbers by different student dance clubs. We learned cheers and the school song. Here’s the description from last year’s orientation brochure:</p>

<p>“’Cane Kickoff
BankUnited Center
President Donna E. Shalala officially welcomes
you to the University of Miami! Students and
parents are invited to learn what it means to be a
’Cane: vibrant spirit and tradition, achievement
in academics, interaction with outstanding
faculty, excellence in research, and involvement
outside the classroom. This high-energy event
will also feature the UM cheerleaders, Frost Band
of the Hour, and Sebastian the Ibis.”</p>

<p>All the new freshman were seated together on the main floor while the stands were packed with parents, siblings and some student groups. During organized group cheers and other interactive audience participation type activities, one group in particular was particularly spirited - louder and clearly more organized than everyone else - with signs and banners and faces painted, etc. We were sitting with dindune and I asked her if she knew who this group was because they were so engaged and obviously highly organized. She told me it was the commuter group - the Association of Commuter Students (ACS). </p>

<p>Lots more info here on the club and the organized support the _ provides to new commuter students, including a link to “Great Start”, an on-campus overnight pre-orientation program exclusively for this group. </p>

<p>[Commuter</a> Student Involvement & Off-Campus Housing Assistance | University of Miami](<a href=“]Commuter”></p>

<p>Commuter students even have their own ‘Commuter Assistants’ who “provide first-year commuter with an experience that mirrors the programs and services offered by Resident Assistants and Academic Fellows to first-year students living on-campus in a Residential College. All first-year commuter students will be assigned to a CA group and will begin meeting with this group during New Student Orientation. The CA serves as a mentor, plans programs that will aid commuter in their transition to college, and works with the Department of Orientation and Commuter Student Involvement to plan, promote, and implement initiatives specifically focused on first-year commuter or incoming transfer students.”</p>


<p>This might be helpful too : </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Illinoismom93 you have been nominated favorite person on this post! I am sure everybody will agree with me.</p>

<p>^I agree!!! And a big welcome to the new Canes families!</p>

<p>Just paid the deposit for D2 - Class of 2017 business major. I’m so excited for her!</p>

<p>Mumof2 welcome to our group of Cane’s parents!</p>