Miami Or Southern Methodist University???

I’m from Illinois and I can’t decide between these two great schools. I am pursuing a degree in biology with aspirations to go into dental school later, but I also like to have a good time and go out. I’ve visited both campuses and I liked SMU’s campus better, but I feel like Miami is better academically. I also plan on rushing for either school I choose and SMU’s greek life looks amazing, but downtown Miami seems equally amazing. I appreciate any feedback or recommendations anybody has. Thank you in advance:).

Miami has the prestige, meaning you have a good name to back you up on job offers once you graduate not to mention the alumni network. Miami is beautiful and just imagine being able to hit up the beach anytime during the year, any point in the day or night! The Rock loves this place, and the campus is gorgeous . Everyone always seems happy and the parties are great. btw during midterms the school brings our hammock, puppies and free massages to help with the stress :slight_smile:

I am so happy to hear that the alumni network is great because that was one of the things I was worried about at Miami.